Programs offers

Master Modern and Contemporary Arabic Literature

Program Name:Master Modern and Contemporary Arabic Literature

Program Description:

It is an academic training based on a didactic study of French as a foreign language. Students will have to master French as a foreign language in all its linguistic, semantic and cultural dimension and will be equipped with a general culture that will allow them to better integrate into the professional space

 Programme Units and modules

Semester 1

Poetics of Modern and contemporary Arabic poem
Cultural narratives
Poem and image
Dramatic Literature
Post modern criticism
Cultural Anthropology
Research Methodology
Foreign Language

Semester 2

Content of the Modern and Contemporary Arabic poetry
Content of the Modern and Contemporary Arabic prose
Image and cinematic discourse
Feminist narrative
Post modern criticism 2
Research methods of folklore studies
Critical view of references
The arabic novelist narrative

Semester 3

Issues of modern and contemporary criticism
Literature and audiovisual arts
Image and publicity discourse
Autobiographical narrative
Critical issues
Traveling literature
Techniques of presentation and research defense
Literary genres
Work ethics

Semester 4

العمل الشخصي (مذكرة)
التربص في المؤسسة
أعمال أخرى (محدد)
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