Programs offers

First semester organization card  ievel bachelors degree L1 Department of languages and literature arab

First semester organization card  ievel bachelors degree L1

Unitsand their conpomentsNumber of weekly lecturesNumber of weekly tutorialsNumbre of weekly pratical sessionscoefficients  creditsweights
Fundamental teaching unit1 
1/old literary  text (poetry)0101/2550%50%
2/old literary criticism10101/2450%50%
Fundamemtal teaching unit 2       
1/morphology 0101/2550%50%
2/Arabic eloquence0101/2450%50%
Methodological teaching unit 
Search techniques0001/2350%50%
Expression techniques oral00  01/2350%50%
  Poetry performances and music0101/2350%50%
Discovery teaching unit 
Sciences of quran 0101/1150%50%
Tran versal teaching unit   
English(oral expression )0001/1150%50%

Third year criticism and curricula                                                   First Semester Organization Card

            الوحدات ومكوناتها   Units and their componentsعدد المحاضرات أسبوعيا Number of weekly  lecturesعدد الأعمال الموجهة أسبوعيا Number of weekly tutorials  عدد الأعمال التطبيقية أسبوعيا Number of weekly practical sessionsالمعاملات coefficientsالأرصدة Creditsنسب الترجيح Weights
محاضرة lectureتطبيق tutorial
الوحدة التعليمية الأساسية Fundamental Teaching Unit 1 
المادة 01:النقد الاجتماعي Semiotic criticism101/3550%50%
المادة 02:التحليل النفسي للأدب Psychoanalysis of literature101/2450%50%
المادة 03: النقد البنيوي Structural criticism101/3550%50%
المادة 04:  النقد السيميائي Semiotic criticism101/2450%50%
الوحدة التعليمية المنهجية Methodological Teaching Unit 
المادة 01: النقدالأدبي الجزائري Algerian Literary criticism101/2350%50%
المادة 02:قراءة النصوص النقدية Reading critical Texts101/2350%50%
المادة 03: تطبيقات نقدية Cash Applications1  23  
الوحدة التعليمية الاستكشافية Discovery Teaching Unit   
لمادة 01:  الأدب المقارن Comparative literature 0001/1150%50%
المادة 02: الأدب الجزائري Algerian literature0001 11  
الوحدة التعليمية الأفقية Transversal Teaching Unit 
المادة 01:ترجمة المصطلحات النقدي Translating critical terminology  0001/1150%50%

Fifth Semester Organization Cardlevel Bachelor’s Degree L3     Branch: linguistics studies        specialty: general linguistics

Units and their componentsNumber of weekly  lecturesNumber of weekly tutorialsNumber of weekly practical sessionscoefficients  CreditsWeights
Fundamental Teaching Unit 1 General linguistics    9  
Fundamental Teaching Unit 2    9  
Grammar scools1001/3550%50%
Methodological Teaching Unit    9  
Linguistic research methodology0101/2350%50%
Lexicology0101/2350% 50%
Discovery Teaching Unit    2  
Algerian literature0001/11 100%
Verification0001/11 100%
horizontal Teaching Unit    1  
Linguisticʹs terms translation0100/11100% 

First Semester Organization Card level Master 1/  specialization: modern and contemporary criticism                   

Units and their componentsNumber of weekly lecturesNumber of weekly tutorialsNumber of weekly practical sessionscoefficientsCreditsWeights
Fundamental Teaching Unit 1 
Theories of contextual criticism  0101/03550%50%
Poetics theory0101/02450%50%
Text Theory0101/03550%50%
Discourse Theory  0101/2450%50%
Methodological Teaching Unit 2 
scientific research methods  0101/2350%50%
Psychoanalytic mechanisms  0101/2350%50%
Social analysis mechanisms  0001/23100% 
Discovery Teaching Unit 
SOurces of heritage CRITICAL  0001/0101100% 
Modern and contemporary intellectual discourse  00 /0101100% 
Transversal Teaching Unit 
English Foreign Language0001/0101100%  

third Semester Organization Card level Master 2/  specialization: modern and contemporary criticism                   

Units and their componentsNumber of weekly lecturesNumber of weekly tutorialsNumber of weekly practical sessionscoefficientsCreditsWeights
Fundamental Teaching Unit 1 
Arab Semitic Criticism  0101/030550%50%
Algerian criticism  0101/020450%50%
Novel Theory  0101/030550%50%
Issues of contemporary criticism  0101/20450%50%
Methodological Teaching Unit 2 
Contemporary Bibliography of Criticism  0101/020350%50%
Verification of texts and manuscripts  0101/020350%50%
styistics analysis mechanism0001/0203100% 
Discovery Teaching Unit 
Image Culture  0001/0101100% 
Theatre Criticism  0001/0101100% 
Transversal Teaching Unit 
Corruption and professinal ethics0100/0101100% 

First Semester Organization Card            level Master 1                Branch: Arabic literature                                specialty: Modern and Contemporary Arabic Literature

Units and their componentsNumber of weekly  lecturesNumber of weekly tutorialsNumber of weekly practical sessionscoefficients  CreditsWeights
Fundamental Teaching Unit       
The poetic nature of modern and contemporary Arabic  0101/03560%40%
Cultural narratives  0101/02460%40%
The poem and the image0101/03560%40%
Dramatic literature  0101/2460%40%
Methodological Teaching Unit       
Critique of Postmodernism 10101/2360%40%
Cultural anthropology01  01/2360%40%
Research methodology0001/2360%40%
Discovery Teaching Unit       
Translation in the field of specialization  0101   
Transversal Teaching Unit       
English language0001/010160%40%

First Semester Organization Card         level Master 2         Branch: Arabic literature                                     specialty: Modern and Contemporary Arabic Literature

Units and their componentsNumber of weekly  lecturesNumber of weekly tutorialsNumber of weekly practical sessionscoefficients  CreditsWeights
Fundamental Teaching Unit       
ssues of Modern and Contemporary Criticism0101/030560%40%
Literature and audiovisual arts0101/020460%40%
The image and advertising discourse.0101/030560%40%
Autobiographical narrative0101/20460%40%
Methodological Teaching Unit1       
Critical issues0101/020360%40%
Literature of travel0101/020360%40%
Presentation and discussion techniques0001/020360%40%
Discovery Teaching Unit       
Literary genres0001/010160%40%
Translation in the field of specialization.00  010160%40%
Transversal Teaching Unit       
Corruption and professional ethics0001/010160%40%
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