Programs offers

Master’s Degree in Teaching Foreign Languages (French)

Program name :Master’s Degree in Teaching Foreign Languages (French)

Program Description

Master’s Degree in Teaching Foreign Languages is an academic training based on a didactic study of French, as a foreign language, in its entire linguistic, semantic and cultural dimension.

Master’s Degree in Teaching Foreign Languages is a continuation to Bachelors’ Degree which will permit students to acquire theoretical language, closely related to the field of teaching French and  allow them to be integrated into a professional space.

Programme Units and modules Semeste

Semester 1

Fundamental Teaching Unit
·        Didactic Notions and Concepts
·        Teaching Methods in FFL
·        Language Semiology
·        Teaching/learning strategies of FFL
·        Appplied Linguistices to FFL
Methodology Teaching Unit
·        Introduction to Scientific Research
·        ICT
·        Language Reinforcement
Discovery Teaching Unit
·        Grammar of Texts
Transversal Teaching Unit
·        Legislation

Semester 2

Fundamental Teaching Unit
·        Didactics of Writing
·        Didactics of Oral
·        Psychopedagogy
·        Discourse Analysis and Didactics
·        Pragmatic Theories
Methodology Teaching Unit
·        Methodology and dissertation
·        ICT
·        Language Reinforcement
Discovery Teaching Unit
·        Interculturality
Transversal Teaching Unit
·        Ethics

Semester 3

Fundamental Teaching Unit
·        Teaching of the Language Culture
·        Docimology and Evaluation in FFL
·        Didactics and Scriptural Practices
·        Verbal Interactions in FFL Class
·        Sociolinguistics and plurilingualism
Methodology Teaching Unit
·        Methodology and Dissertation
·        ICT
·        Class Techniques
Discovery Teaching Unit
·          Writing Techniques
Transversal Teaching Unit
·        Deontology

Semester 4

Dissertation Writing
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