Programs offers

Bachelor’s degree in English Language

Bachelor’s Degree  in  English as a Foreign Language

Program description

Bachelor’s degree in English language aims to develop students’ skills and abilities in the field of the English language. This degree, firstly, offers students the chance to pursue postgraduate studies in Literature and Civilisation, or in Teaching English as a Foreign Language. It also opens the door for them to start a lifelong career in teaching, media, tourism and other disciplines.

 Programme Units and modules

Semester 1

Fundamental Teaching Unit
·        Oral Comprehension and Expression 1
·        Written Comprehension and Expression 1
·        Grammar 1
·        Corrective and Articulatory Phonetics 1
·        Initiation to Linguistics (concepts) 1
·        Introduction to Studying and Literary Texts 1
·        Culture(s)/ Civilization (s) of the Language 1
Methodology Teaching Unit
·        Study Skills 1
·        Reading and Text Analysis 1
Discovery Teaching Unit
·        Social and Human Sciences 1
Transversal Teaching Unit
·        Foreign Language (s) 1

Semester 2

Fundamental Teaching Unit
·        Oral Comprehension and Expression 2
·        Written Comprehension and Expression 2
·        Grammar 2
·        Corrective and Articulatory Phonetics 2
·        Initiation to Linguistics (concepts) 2
·        English Literature 1
·        Culture(s)/ Civilization (s) of the Language 2
Methodology Teaching Unit
·        Study Skills 2
·        Reading and Text Analysis 2
Discovery Teaching Unit
·        Social and Human Sciences 2
Transversal Teaching Unit
·        Foreign Language (s) 2

Semester 3

Fundamental Teaching Unit
·        Oral Comprehension and Expression 3
·        Written Comprehension and Expression 3
·        Grammar 3
·        Corrective and Articulatory Phonetics 3
·        Introduction to Linguistics (concepts) 1
·        English Literature 2
·        Culture(s)/ Civilization (s) of the Language 3
Methodology Teaching Unit
·        Study Skills 3
·        Reading and Text Analysis 3
Discovery Teaching Unit
·        Initiation  to Translation 1
Transversal Teaching Unit
·        Foreign Language (s) 3

Semester 4

Fundamental Teaching Unit
·        Oral Comprehension and Expression 4
·        Written Comprehension and Expression 4
·        Grammar 3
·        Corrective and Articulatory Phonetics 4
·        Introduction to Linguistics  (concepts) 2
·        Literature of the Studied Language 2
·        Culture(s)/ Civilization (s) of the Language 4
Methodology Teaching Unit
·        Study Skills 3
·        Reading and Text Analysis 4
Discovery Teaching Unit
·        Initiation  to Translation 2
Transversal Teaching Unit
·        Foreign Language (s) 4

Semester 5

Fundamental Teaching Unit
·        Linguistics 1
·        Literary Texts  1
·        Civilization Texts  1
·        Written Comprehension and Production 1
·        Oral Comprehension and Production 1
·        Introduction to TEFL 1
·        Introduction to English for Specific Purposes 1
Methodology Teaching Unit
·        Research Methodology Techniques 1
·        Information and Communication Techniques 1
Discovery Teaching Unit
·        Cognitive Psychology/ Communication Sciences 1
·        Translation & Interpretation 1
Transversal Teaching Unit
Foreign Language (s) / National language(s) 1

Semester 6

Fundamental Teaching Unit
·        Linguistics  2
·        Literary Texts  2
·        Civilization Texts  2
·        Written Comprehension and Production  2
·        Oral Comprehension and Production 2
·        Introduction to TFFL  2
·        Introduction to English for Specific Purposes  2
Methodology Teaching Unit
·        Research Methodology Techniques 2
·        Information and Communication Techniques 2
Discovery Teaching Unit
·        Cognitive Psychology/ Communication Sciences  2
·        Translation & Interpretation  2
Transversal Teaching Unit
Foreign Language (s) / National language(s) 2
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