Equality, diversity and inclusion

1. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee

At Oum El-Bouaghi University, we are committed to promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion across our campus community. To ensure the effective implementation of our values and policies, we have established the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee (EDI). This committee, consisting of representatives from various university stakeholders, including students, faculty, and staff, is dedicated to advising on and implementing initiatives that foster a diverse, an equitable, and an inclusive environment.

The Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee works closely with the administration and governing bodies to develop and recommend policies, programs, and trainings that promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and human rights on campus. It plays a vital role in advocating equal opportunities, fighting discrimination, and creating a campus culture that respects differences.

The Committee’s responsibilities include:

  • Advising on the development and implementation of equality, diversity, and inclusion policies and practices.
  • Collaborating with campus departments to ensure the integration of diversity and inclusion principles in all aspects of university life.
  • Organizing educational programs, workshops, and events to raise awareness and promote debate on topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Providing guidance and support to individuals who have experienced discrimination or harassment.
  • Monitoring and evaluating progress towards diversity and inclusion goals, and recommending necessary adjustments.

Through the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee, we strive to cultivate an inclusive campus community where all members are valued, respected, and provided with equal opportunities for personal and academic growth.

2. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Policy

Policy created (2010)

Policy reviewed (2022)


At the University of Oum El-Bouaghi, we are committed to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered. Our EDI policy reflects our dedication to promoting equality, eliminating discrimination, and embracing diversity across all aspects of university life. We recognize and appreciate the importance of fostering an inclusive culture that celebrates and supports individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those with protected characteristics as outlined below.

Protected Characteristics:

Our EDI policy encompasses the following main protected characteristics:

  • Age: We are committed to treating individuals of all age groups fairly and ensuring equal opportunities for personal and professional development, recognizing the value of diverse experiences and perspectives across generations.
  • Gender or Gender Reassignment: We actively promote gender equality, supporting individuals of all gender identities and expressions. We are committed to creating an inclusive and supportive environment for transgender individuals and those undergoing gender reassignment, providing necessary accommodations and respecting their rights.
  • Disability: We strive to remove barriers and promote accessibility to ensure equal participation for individuals with disabilities. We are dedicated to providing reasonable adjustments, accommodations, and support services to empower all members of our community.
  • Race: We reject all forms of racial discrimination and are committed to fostering an inclusive environment that values individuals from diverse racial backgrounds and ethnicities. We promote a culture of understanding, respect, and equality.
  • Religion or Belief: We respect and embrace the diversity of religions and belief systems within our community. We promote a culture of religious tolerance, inclusion, and mutual respect, allowing individuals to practice their religion or hold their beliefs without fear of discrimination or prejudice.
  • Marriage and Civil Partnership: We recognize and support individuals in their choices of marriage and civil partnerships. We are committed to ensuring equal treatment, opportunities, and benefits for all members of our community, irrespective of their marital or partnership status.
  • Refugee and Asylum Seekers: We extend our commitment to inclusion and support to refugees and asylum seekers within our community. We provide a safe and supportive environment where their unique experiences and perspectives are valued, fostering their integration and academic success.
  • Pregnancy and Maternity: We ensure that women who are pregnant, have recently given birth, or are on maternity leave are supported and provided with appropriate accommodations to enable their full participation in university life. We are committed to preventing discrimination and promoting a supportive environment for their personal and professional development.

Implementation and Support:

  • We will actively promote awareness, understanding, and respect for EDI through training programs, workshops, and educational initiatives for students, faculty, and staff.
  • We will establish clear procedures for reporting and addressing incidents of discrimination, harassment, or unfair treatment related to protected characteristics, providing support and guidance to those affected.
  • We will regularly review and assess our policies, practices, and procedures to ensure they align with our commitment to EDI, seeking continuous improvement and responding to the evolving needs of our diverse community.
  • We will actively collaborate with student-led societies, external organizations, and stakeholders to create a supportive and inclusive environment that reflects the values of equality, diversity, and inclusion.