People with disabilities

Disability Support Office

  • Campus and people with disabilities

At Oum El-Bouaghi University, we ensure that our campus is easily accessible for individuals with disabilities through physical adaptations, inclusive facilities and services, accessible communication, and fostering an inclusive campus culture.

At Oum El-Bouaghi University, we are committed to creating an accessible and inclusive environment for all members of our community. As part of our dedication to ensuring equal opportunities for everyone, all buildings on our campus are equipped with special corridors and facilities designed specifically for people with disabilities.

These special corridors are built to be easily navigable and accommodate individuals with mobility challenges. Additionally, we have installed elevators designated for people with disabilities in taller buildings, including the administrative tower of the university. These elevators are user-friendly and convenient for people with mobility impairments; they enable them to access all floors of the building effortlessly.

Our commitment to accessibility extends beyond physical infrastructure. We continuously strive to raise awareness about the needs of people with disabilities and promote a culture of inclusivity on our campus. We work closely with the Support and Mediation Unit for Students with Special Needs to ensure that all members of our community can fully participate in academic and extracurricular activities.

At Oum El-Bouaghi University, we firmly believe that an inclusive campus benefits everyone, fostering a supportive and diverse community where all individuals can thrive and reach their full potential.

Braille service in the library

  • Access schemes for people with disabilities

At Oum El-Bouaghi University, we are committed to providing equal opportunities for all members of our community, including individuals with disabilities. As part of our dedication to fostering an inclusive environment, we offer access schemes and targeted support to ensure that students with disabilities can thrive academically and personally.

One of the key initiatives is our mentoring program, specifically designed to provide personalized support to students with disabilities. Through this program, students are paired with experienced mentors who offer guidance, encouragement, and assistance throughout their academic journey. Mentors act as a valuable resource, helping students navigate challenges, access resources, and make the most of their university experience.

Additionally, we offer targeted support services through our Support and Mediation Unit for Students with Special Needs. This unit provides individualized assistance, such as academic accommodations, adaptive technologies, and accessibility resources, to empower students with disabilities to excel in their studies and to fully engage in campus life.

Our commitment to access schemes extends beyond academic support. We work closely with various university departments and student organizations to ensure that campus events, facilities, and activities are inclusive and accessible to all.

At Oum El-Bouaghi University, we firmly believe that diversity enriches our community, and we are dedicated to breaking down barriers and promoting an inclusive campus where all students can achieve their full potential.

  • Accommodation for people with disabilities
  • On-campus accommodation

At the University of Oum El-Bouaghi, we are proud to provide on-campus accommodation to our students. We understand the importance of convenient and accessible housing options, and we believe that living on campus enhances the overall university experience. Our on-campus accommodation facilities are designed to create a supportive and inclusive living environment for all students.

  • Accommodation policy or strategy for people with disabilities

We are dedicated to ensuring that all students, including those with disabilities, have equal opportunities to thrive academically and socially. Our university has implemented a comprehensive reasonable accommodation policy that addresses the needs of students with disabilities. This policy outlines the procedures for requesting and providing reasonable accommodations to ensure that every student can fully participate in all aspects of university life.

Our reasonable accommodation policy includes provisions for adequate funding to meet the specific needs of students with disabilities. We understand that some accommodations may require financial support, and we are committed to allocating resources to ensure that students have access to the necessary accommodations.

Additionally, we are proud to offer free on-campus accommodation and complimentary meals to students with disabilities. We recognize the importance of providing a supportive and inclusive environment that removes financial barriers and fosters academic success. Furthermore, we offer a grant every three months to further support students with disabilities during their educational journey.

At our university, we strive to create an inclusive and accessible campus where all students can thrive. We are committed to providing reasonable accommodations and ensuring that students with disabilities have the necessary support to reach their full potential. Our dedicated accommodation policy, coupled with the provision of free accommodation, complimentary meals, and a grant every three months, demonstrates our commitment to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for all students.