buddy system

Referents for International Students

Dear international students,

Oum El Bouaghi University makes available chaimen in the central administration, faculties, institutes, departments, and also in your university accommodation, to help  you.

Feel free to contact them for any assistance or information you may need. Our university is ready  to help our  new international students throughout their  university life.

Here are their contacts:

  • Rectorate

Dr. Sellam Mohamed Amine: 0662 44 18 82 /  SellammouhamedM@gmail.com

Dr.  Ziar Aissaoui: ziar.aissaoui@univ-oeb.dz / ziaraissaoui@yahoo.fr

Phone: +213662070724 / 032563358

Dr. Boudjadja Rafik:  0559608060  /   rafik.boudjadja@hotmail.fr

Dr. Abdessalem Houssini:  0667494208 / pedagogie06@yahoo.fr

Prof. Nemouchie Abdelhak :   0559112658 / 0771315253  /  Abdelhak _nemouchie@yahoo.fr

Prof.  Ayache Zoubeir: 213 661810154 / zoubeirayach@yahoo.fr

Dr. Boudeb Chaker:  0780.07.63.35 / chakerbiosport@gmail.com

Ms Guemini Nasira 0675975635

Dr. Ouadfel Samia:  0671560012 / ouadfelsamia@gmail.com

Dr. Djamel Rahem: 0555 47 21 17 / 032 691 617  /  rahem_djamel@yahoo.fr
  • University accommodation:

Mr.  Waheb Kalech  : 0660270400 / 0666877705 Wahabkalache87@gmail.com

Mr. Bechoua Mohamed Ramzi: 0671372119 medramzi04@gmail.com

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