Presentation of University

Originally created as a Teachers Training School by executive decree N ° 314/83 of 07/05/1983, it was changed into a National Institute of Higher Mechanics (INSM) by executive decree N ° 255/84 of 18 / 08/1984, then a University Center, sheltering four Institutes, by executive decree N ° 158/97 of 10/05/1997 holding the name of the martyr Larbi Ben M’hidi in November 1999. The University Center was promoted to University, by executive decree n ° 09/06 on 04/01/2009.
At present,  the University is constituted of (7) faculties and three (3) institutes located in 5 campuses including three in the city of Oum El Bouaghi, a faculty of Applied Sciences in Ain Beida and a Technology Center (ISTA) in Ain M’lila.
The University, with a wide specialty spectrum, is particularly famous for the academic level in fundamental research (mathematics, physics, chemistry, natural sciences and life sciences), as well as in the field of the human and social sciences and the economic and commercial sciences. The training offer is diversified at all levels, License and Master as well as in PhD degree.
Larbi Ben M’hidi University of Oum El Bouaghi develops cooperation with foreign universities in Europe as well as Arab and American countries, promoting exchanges and scientific collaboration. It currently belongs to different networks, the network of Euro-Mediterranean Universities TETHYS, the “University Agency of La Francophonie” (AUF), the Association of African Universities (AUA), the Association of Arab Universities (AUA); it is also part of the Averroès Network.
The University of Oum El Bouaghi has facilities that make life convenient and enjoyable for students, teachers and administrators alike. With its two stadiums, semi-Olympic swimming pool, and two gyms, it allows all participants to relax physically and morally. The University also has a Medico-Social Center where regular monitoring is practiced for all its visitors. Five doctors, a dental surgeon and laboratory assistant ensure care to the university community.

Decrees of creation of the University of Oum El-Bouaghi 1983-2013:

-Decree 83-314 of May 7, 1983 creating a Teachers Training School

-Decree 84-255 of 18 August 1984 on  creation of a National Institute of Higher Education in Mechanics

– Decree 84-204 of 18 August 1984 on the creation of a Higher Teaching School of Fundamental Sciences.

-Decree 97-158 of May 10, 1997vcreaton of a University Center

-Decree 06-274 of 16 August 2006 (amending decree 97-158) creating a university center in Oum El-Bouaghi (modified)

-Decree 09-06 of January 4, 2009 creating the University of Oum El-Bouaghi

-Decree 13-164 of April 15, 2013 (amending 09-06) creating the University of Oum El-Bouaghi (Modified)

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