Dre. HADJAR Sabrina
Personal information
Prof: HADJAR Sabrina
Professor, University of Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria.
E-mail: sabrina.hadjar@univ-oeb.dz / Hadjarsabrina3@gmail.com
Researcher identity
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=fr&authuser=9&user=sR6qqpwAAAAJ
ReaserchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sabrina-Hadjar
ORCID: 0000-0002-8751-4498
Ph.D.’s degree in Literary Text Sciences French language
Master’s degree in French language
License’s degree in French language
Functions and Affiliations
Professor maître de conferences
Teaching modules
Contemporary French Literature
Writing Techniques
Study of Literary Texts
Francophone Maghrebian Literature
Francophone African Literature
Literary Theory
Oral Techniques
Oral Comprehension and Expression
French Civilization
Literature and Arts.
International publications
Memory of Magister: The interplay of “I” between autobiography and fiction in “Mes mauvaises pensées” by Nina BOURAOUI, Univ. Oum El Bouaghi
Doctoral thesis: The cultural bases in the writings of two French-speaking authors: Leïla SEBBAR and Nina BOURAOUI, Univ Mentouri1 Constantine.
…Article: The trip as part of identity construction by Nina Bouraou
International colloquium proceedings: For a hemeneutics of the work of Alexandre Najjar, language, literature, art and intercultural dialogue. The SLADD notebooks, N°12 September 2022.
Title: Two men, two crossed destinies in Harry and Franz by Alexandre Najjar.
Interests and Qualifications
Interests: General and Comparative Literature
Qualifications: /
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