Acronym of the team: IAD
Team Leader: DEHIMI Nour El Houda
The Distributed Artificial Intelligence (IAD) team conducts its research in the following areas:
– Intelligent agents and multi-agent systems (MAS) in order to study the problems related to the different aspects of agents (computer entities, physical (robots) or software, intelligent) and multi-agent systems (communities of agents) namely : argumentation and reasoning based on preferences, automated decision-making, planning, coordination, negotiation, emergence control, self-organization, agent communication and dialogue languages, multi-learning -agents, distributed decision making.
– Distributed Problem Solving (RDP) in order to study: (i) how to divide a particular problem over a set of distributed and cooperating entities, (ii) how to share knowledge of the problem and obtain its solution.
– Parallel Artificial Intelligence (lAP) to develop parallel languages and algorithms capable of improving the performance of distributed artificial intelligence.
The IAD team also invests in the field of agent-oriented software engineering in order to propose design methods for multi-agent systems (agent-oriented or organization-oriented) and quality assurance and test methods for multi-agent systems. officers.
The team’s research work will then be applied to several fields such as ambient intelligence, electronic services for mobile users, artificial markets, medical diagnosis, cyber-physical systems, industrial 4.0 etc
Running as of 31/12/2018
N° | Period (Start-End) Of The Project | Project Title | Type | Project Leader | First And Last Name Of The Team Member |
1 | 2022-2025 | Testing multi-agent systems | training research (thesis project …) | DEHIMI Nour El Houda | DEHIMI Nour El Houda |
Mr./ Mrs | Last name and First Name | اللقب والإسم | Date of Birth. | Last Diploma | Grade | Domain | Attachment structure | Email actif |
Mrs | DEHIMI Nour El Houda | دهيمي نور الهدى | 07/05/1988 | Habilitation | MCA | Informatique | U. Oum El Bouaghi | dehimi.nourelhouda@univ-oeb.dz |
Mrs | BOUSSAHA Karima | بوساحة كريمة | 31/07/1980 | Habilitation | MCA | Informatique | U. Oum El Bouaghi | karima_et_rania@yahoo.fr |
Mr. | CHIBANI Meriem | شيباني مريم | 27/01/1989 | Doctorat | MCB | Informatique | U. Oum El Bouaghi | chibani_meriem@live.fr |
Mr. | KHELAS kenza | خلاص كنزة | 15/05/1984 | Magister | MAA, Doc. | Informatique | U. Oum El Bouaghi | khellas.kenza@univ-oeb.dz |
Mr. | GUASSMI Djaber | قاسمي جابر | 20/08/1993 | Master | Doc. | Informatique | U. Oum El Bouaghi | djaber.guassmi@univ-oeb.dz |
Mr. | BOUKELLOUL Soufiene | بوكلول سفيان | 14/11/1979 | Master | Doc. | Informatique | U. Oum El Bouaghi | soufiene.boukelloul@univ-oeb.dz |
Mr. | Zemmar amar | زمار عمار | 04/01/1982 | Magister | MAA, Doc. | Informatique | U. Oum El Bouaghi | zemmaramar7@gmail.com |
Last name and First Name | اللقب والإسم | Registered since (Month/Year) | At the University | NAME of the supervisor(s) |
KHELAS kenza | خلاص كنزة | 01/10/2014 | U. Batna-2- | Rachid Seghir |
GUASSMI Djaber | قاسمي جابر | 01/04/2022 | U. Oum El Bouaghi | DEHIMI Nour El Houda |
BOUKELLOUL Soufiene | بوكلول سفيان | 01/04/2022 | U. Oum El Bouaghi | DEHIMI Nour El Houda |
Zemmar amar | زمار عمار | 01/10/2021 | U. Tébessa | Benour Akram |
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