Acronym of the team: SNAT
Team Leader: DERDOUR Makhlouf
On the one hand, autonomous objects (AuT), or autonomous Internet of Things (IoAT), are devices that work on specific tasks autonomously without human interaction thanks to AI algorithms. These devices include robotics, vehicles, drones, autonomous smart home devices and autonomous software. The first mission of our team is to improve the machines with sensors, artificial intelligence and analytical capabilities so that the machines make data-based decisions and perform tasks autonomously. This explains the growing need for computer approaches for the manipulation, storage, visualization and analysis of often very complex data.
The association of Smart networks and autonomous objects is the voice of industry and global research for new generation networks and services. Our first objective is to contribute to Algeria’s presence and participation in 5G, beyond 5G and SNS / 6G research. With this in mind, the researchers of the SNAT team have noted that we have entered an era of unprecedented progress in networks and IoT, and that work on computer networks and telecommunications are growing rapidly and the future of the various fields depends on 6G networks and AI. Therefore, the main objective of the SNAT team is to develop tools for the analysis of genomes and sequences on a large scale. The SNAT aims to bring together an industrial community of telecommunications and digital actors, such as operators, manufacturers, research institutes, universities, SMEs and ICT associations. The SNAT carries out a wide range of activities in strategic areas such as standardization, frequency spectrum, R&D projects, technological skills, collaboration with vertical industrial sectors, in particular for the development of tests, and international cooperation.
Running as of 31/12/2018
N° | Period (Start-End) Of The Project | Project Title | Type | Project Leader | First And Last Name Of The Team Member |
01 | 2022-2025 | A patient remote management and radiological remote diagnosis platform for oncological pathologies | training research (thesis project …) | Derdour Mekhlouf | Derdour Mekhlouf |
02 | 2022-2025 | Towards the exploitation of new technologies for the control of context-aware distributed intelligent systems | training research (thesis project …) | Zertal Soumia | Zertal Soumia |
Mr./ Mrs. | Last name and First Name | اللقب والإسم | Date of Birth . | Last diploma | Grade | Domain | Attachment structure | Email actif | |||||||||||||
Mr. | DERDOUR Makhlouf | دردور مخلوف | 28/02/1978 | Habilitation | Pr. | Informatique | U. Oum El Bouaghi | derdour.makhlouf@univ-oeb.dz | |||||||||||||
Mrs. | ZERTAL Soumia | زرطال سمية | 05/01/1985 | Habilitation | MCA | Informatique | U. Oum El Bouaghi | zertal.soumia@univ-oeb.dz | |||||||||||||
Mr. | BERKANE Mohamed | بركان محمد | 17/07/1968 | Doctorat | MCB | Informatique | U. Oum El Bouaghi | mahamed.berkane@univ-oeb.dz | |||||||||||||
Mr. | HAMOUDA Amar | حمودة عمار | 08/03/1961 | Doctorat | MCB | Informatique | U. Oum El Bouaghi | amarhamouda23@gmail.com | |||||||||||||
Mr. | TOLBA Zakaria | طلبة زكرياء | 01/09/1987 | Doctorat | AR | Informatique | U. Oum El Bouaghi | zakariatolba@gmail.com | |||||||||||||
Miss | BOUAMRANE Amira | بوعمران أميرة | 18/06/1996 | Master | Doc. | Informatique | U. Oum El Bouaghi | amira.bouamrane@univ-oeb.dz | |||||||||||||
Mr. | BOURAMOUL Imed Eddine | بورامول عماد الدين | 08/09/1975 | Master | Doc. | Informatique | U. Oum El Bouaghi | ImedEddine.bouramoul@univ-oeb.dz | |||||||||||||
Mr. | KEMOUKH Ahmed | كموخ أحمد | 19/01/1996 | Master | Doc. | Informatique | U. Oum El Bouaghi | ahmed.Kemoukh@univ-oeb.dz |
Last name and First Name | اللقب والإسم | Registered since (Month/Year) | At the University | NAME of the supervisor(s) |
BOUAMRANE Amira | بوعمران أميرة | avr-22 | U. Oum El Bouaghi | DERDOUR MAKHLOUF |
BOURAMOUL Imed Eddine | بورامول عماد الدين | avr-22 | U. Oum El Bouaghi | ZERTAL SOUMIA |
KEMOUKH Ahmed | كموخ أحمد | avr-22 | U. Oum El Bouaghi | ZERTAL SOUMIA |
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