Acronym of the team: CPS & BT
Team Leader: MELLAL Nassima
The CPS & BT research team focuses on the development of artificial intelligence based solutions in cyber physical and bio-technology systems.
The CPS &BT team conducts research in the fields of artificial intelligence, cyber-physical systems, biotechnologies, and system-on-chip design with a focus on security, power, performance and reliability. , advanced embedded systems and targeted processor architectures for cyber-physical, automotive/industrial, robotics, image processing, networked and distributed sensor nodes/Internet of Things and real-time critical systems. In addition, computer systems are called upon to interact with the physical world, both to extract information but also to influence it according to decision-making processes. This interaction with the physical world gave knowledge to the concept of “Cyber-Physical” systems. CPS are now at the heart of a wide variety of fields, such as industry 4.0, intelligent networks (Smart Grid), smart cities, autonomous vehicles (drones, vehicles, etc.), connected health, etc. and applications continue to grow.
Running as of 31/12/2018
N° | Period (Start-End) Of The Project | Project Title | Type | Project Leader | First And Last Name Of The Team Member |
1 | 2023 – 2026 | Artificial intelligence and big data at the service of health | training research (thesis project …) | MELLAL Nassima | MELLAL Nassima |
2 | 2020-2024 | study and optimization of a multimodal biometric system based on the score fusion of two biometric modalities | training research (thesis project …) | CHAA Mourad | Bouchouareb Rachida |
Mr./ Mrs | Last name and First Name | اللقب والإسم | Date of Birth. | Last Diploma | Grade | Domain | Attachment structure | Email actif |
Mrs | MELLAL Nassima | ملال نسيمة | 01/04/1980 | Habilitation | MCA | Informatique | U. Oum El Bouaghi | nassima,mellal,univ@gmail,com |
Miss | BOUCHOUAREB Rachida | بوشوارب رشيدة | 17/07/1978 | Doctorat | MCB | Multidisciplinaire | U. Oum El Bouaghi | rachidabouchouareb@gmail.com |
Mr. | Benacer Imed | بن ناصر عماد | 25/07/1983 | Doctorat | MCB | Multidisciplinaire | U. Oum El Bouaghi | benacerimad@gmail.com |
Mr. | Moulahcene Fateh | مولحسان فاتح | 17/04/1982 | Doctorat | MCB | Multidisciplinaire | U. Oum El Bouaghi | moulahcene_fateh@yahoo.fr |
Mr. | Merazga Ammar | عمار مرازقة | 14/08/1973 | Magister | MAA, Doc. | Multidisciplinaire | U. Oum El Bouaghi | merazga_ammar@yahoo.fr |
Mr. | Sami Mazouz | معزوز سامي الياس |
| Magister | Doc. | Informatique | U. Oum El Bouaghi |
Last name and First Name | اللقب والإسم | Registered since (Month/Year) | At the University | NAME of the supervisor(s) |
Merazga Ammar | عمار مرازقة | oct-14 | U. Oum El Bouaghi | RAHEM Djamel |
Sami Mazouz | معزوز سامي الياس | janv-23 | U. Oum El Bouaghi | MELLAL Nassima |
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