Curriculum Vitae Moualkia Hassiba
Prof. Moualkia Hassiba
Professor, Sciences of Matter, University of Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria
Mobile: 213663315
Researcher identity
Google Scholar: link
ORCID: link
Ph.D.’s degree in electronics in 2010
Magiter’s degree in semiconductors in 2003
ingineer’s degree in electronics in 1996
Functions and Affiliations
Professor of Physics at Oum El-Bouaghi University, Algeria
Professor of Applied Physics and Materials Physics, Oum El-Bouaghi University, Algeria
Master’s degree in Applied Physics
Teaching modules
Semiconductor physics
Component electronics
Digital electronics and acquisition
Photovoltaic conversion
Heterojunctions and dielectrics
Bibliographic search
International publications
H. Moualkia, S. Hariech, M.S. Aida, «Growth and physical properties of CdS thin films prepared by chemical bath deposition », Journal of physics D: Applied Physics 42 (2009) 135404 (7pp). ( Phys D/42/135404)
H. Moualkia, S. Hariech, M.S. Aida « Structural and optical properties of CdS thin films grown by chemical bath deposition» Thin Solid Films 518 (2009) 1259-1262. (
H. Moualkia, S. Hariech, M.S. Aida, «Properties of CdS thin films grown by chemical bath deposition as a function of temperature », Materials Science Forum, Vol 609 (2009) pp 243-247. (
H. Moualkia, N. Attaf, L. Hadjeris, L. Herissi, N. Abdelmalek, “Investigation on chemical bath deposited CdS thin films”, Journal of New Technology and Materials JNTM, Vol. 01, N°00 (2011)47-50 ( )
L. Herissi, L. Hadjeris, H. Moualkia, N. Abdelmalek, N. Attaf, M.S. Aida, J. Bougdira, “ Realization and study of ZnO thin films intended for optoelectronic applications”, Journal of New technology and Materials JNTM, Vol. 01, N°00 (2011) 39-43. (
S. Hariech, M.S. Aida, H. Moualkia, « Observation of Meyer-Neldel rule in CdS thin films », Materials Science in Semiconductor processing 15 (2012) 181-186. (
H. Moualkia, N. Attaf, L. Hadjeris, L. Herissi, N. Abdelmalek, « Preparation and Characterization of CdS Thin Films », publié dans le procceding de l’IEEE, 978-1-4673-1170-0/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE, de la conference “2012 First International Conference on Renewable Energies and Vehicular Technology” , pp 66-73.
H. Moualkia, G.Rekhila, M.Izerrouken, A.Mahdjoub, M.Trari, “Influence of the film thickness on the photovoltaic properties of chemically deposited CdS thin films: Application to the photodegradation of orange II”, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing,21,(2014),186–193 (
N. Abdelmalek, L. Hadjeris, D. Allouane, L. Herissi, S. Rahman, H. Moualkia, A. Mahdjoub, “ Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of ZnO:Fe Thin films grown by spray Pyrolysis” , Journal of New technology and Materials JNTM, (2014) (
A. Mahdjoub, L. Remache, H. Moualkia, B. Bordji, A. HAFID, “ Easily Realizable Heterojunction CdS/CuInSe2 For Thin Films Photovoltaic Application”, Chalcogenide Letters ,Vol. 12, No. 1, January 2015, P. 51 – 58
A. Mahdjoub, H. Moualkia, L. Remache, A. Hafid, “Analyse Des Spectres De Transmittance Des Couches Minces Par Une Modelisation Mathematique Appropriee », Revue Algerienne De Physique, Volume 2, Numero 1 (2015).
H. Moualkia, G. Rekhila, A. Mahdjoub, M. Trari, “The semiconducting properties of CdS nanocrystalline thin films prepared by chemical bath deposition. Application to the eosin photodegradation”, Journal of materials science: Materials in electronics, (2017) 28:19105–19112, 10.1007/s10854-017-7865-7
H. Cheriet, H. Moualkia, R. Barille, M. Zaabat, O. Mahroua and M. Trari “Morphological, structural and optical characterizations of Zn-doped CdS buffer Layer elaborated by chemical bath deposition”, Surface Review and Letters, (2020) 2050009 (10 pages)
Interests and Qualifications
Interests: Preparation and analysis of materials and study of their physical properties and applications
Qualifications: Supervision of students, conduct research in the field of materials and their applications.
Other: Scientific participation with many scientific teams in materials science