Camera Ready Submissions

Please, follow the following steps in order to prepare your camera ready paper:

Step 1: Camera-Ready Paper

To prepare the Camera-Ready paper, follow the reviewers’ comments sent to you by e-mail and make sure that you meet the guidelines of IEEE Templates : IEEE – Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings.

  • Do not make any changes to the structure of the template as this can lead to production errors.
  • Check the names of all authors and their affiliations.
  • Add ORCID IDs of all authors.
  • Do not exceed the total number of pages, which is limited to 8 pages. No extra pages are accepted.

Step 2: Registration

In order for your paper to be included in the proceedings at least one author must register and pay the registration fees before Septembre 20, 2022. Failure to register by this date and submit your camera-ready files, will result in your paper being not included in the proceeding and the final program.

(See Registration Fee – Pais’2022 (

Step 3: Required Files

Submit the following files before September 20, 2022:

  • Camera-ready paper in a pdf format.
  • Camera-ready paper source files (MS Word or LaTeX).
  • Completed author information file . 

by the link :, and the subject of your email must be PAIS_PaperID, where PaperID is the number you received when you submitted your paper via EasyChair.