Curriculum Vitae KHANTOUL Bilel


Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria.


Mobile: +213 670 268 206

Researcher identity

Google Scholar: link

ReaserchGate: link

ORCID: link


Magister’s degree in Computer Science

Engineer’s degree in Computer Science

Functions and Affiliations

Professor, at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Teaching modules

Mathematical logic, history of science, scientific terminology, algorithms and data structures.

International publications

Soumeya Zerabi, Souham Meshoul, Bilel Khantoul, Parallel clustering validation based on Map Reduce, proceeding de la 3eme édition de la conférence en Conputing Systems and Applications (CSA’18) Alger. Springer International Publishing (p 291-299).

Interests and Qualifications

Interests: Big Data, Data Mining, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Data Science.

Qualifications: I can read, write and speak in Arabic, French and Working knowledge of English

Other: Adaptability

pdf version: Short CV KHANTOUL

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