Program name bachelor degree’s in Physics of Materials

Department Sciences of the matter (SM)



Domain : Matter sciences

Field : Physics

Speciality :  Physics of Materials

Training aims

Program Units and modules

 The objective of Physics of materials license is to give students all the scientific bases necessary for the pursuit of studies at the master’s level or even engineering school in the professions of Physics, or even in the world of education. The first two years gradually make it possible to consolidate a general culture in science and technology, particularly in the courses of mathematics, physics, chemistry and computer science.

  1. Entry Requirements

The entry conditions are based on the results obtained in the 2 year and after the classification of all students of the promotion

  • Program Units and modules
First semester Fundamental teaching unit Code: FTU11 Credit :18 Coefficient:9 F111 :Mathematics 1/Analysis and Algebra 1 F112: Physics 2/ Electricity F113: Chemistry 1 / Structure of matter  Methodology  teaching unit  Code: MTU11 Credit :8 Coefficient:4 M111 : Lab Mechanic 1  M112: Lab chemistry 1 M113: Informatics 1/Office Automation and Web Technologies (5 weeks) + Introduction to Algorithms (10 weeks) Discovery Teaching Unit Code: DTU11 Credit :2 Coefficient:1 D111: Choose a material from: Simple physical systems;Discovery of the methods of university work ;Environment;- Biotechnology Transversal teaching_ unit Code: TTU11_ Credit :2_ Coefficient:1 T111: Foreign languages 1  Second semester Fundamental teaching unit Code: FTU12 Credit :18 Coefficient:9 F121 : Mathematics 2/Analysis and Algebra 2 F122:Physics 1/Point mechanics F123: Chemistry 2/ Thermodynamics and kinetics chemical  Methodology  teaching unit  Code: MTU12 Credit :8 Coefficient:4 M121 : Electricity Lab  M122: chemistry 2 Lab M123: Informatics2/Programming Language Discovery Teaching Unit Code: DTU12 Credit :2 Coefficient:1 D121: Choose a material from: Chemistry through basic applications;Business Economics; history of science;Renewable energies Transversal teaching_ unit Code: TTU12_ Credit :2_ Coefficient:1 T121: Foreign languages 2  
Third semester Fundamental teaching unit Code: FTU21 Credit :20 Coefficient:10 F211 : Series & differential Equations

F212: Analytical mechanics F213: Geometric and Physical Optics F214: Wave, vibrations and optics  Methodology  teaching unit  Code: MTU21 Credit :8 Coefficient:4 M211 : vibrations and optics Lab  M212: Geometric and Physical Optics Lab M213: numerical methods and programming Discovery Teaching Unit Code: DTU21 Credit :2 Coefficient:1 D211: Physical crystallography Transversal teaching_ unit Code: TTU12_ Credit :2_ Coefficient:1 T211: English 3  
Fourth semester Fundamental teaching unit Code: FTU22 Credit :20 Coefficient:10 F221 : Thermodynamics F222: Function of the Complex Variable F223: Quantum Mechanics F224 Electromagnetism  Methodology  teaching unit  Code: MTU22 Credit :8 Coefficient:4 M221 : Thermodynamics Lab  M222 Fluid mechanics M223:  General Electronics Discovery Teaching Unit Code: DTU22 Credit :2 Coefficient:1 D221: Atomic & Nuclear Physics Transversal teaching_ unit Code: TTU22_ Credit :2_ Coefficient:1 T221: English 4  
Fifth semester Fundamental teaching unit Code: FTU31 Credit :20 Coefficient:10 F311 : Quantum Mechanics II F312: Mathematical Methods for Physics F313: restrained Relativity F314: Statistical Physics  Methodology  teaching unit  Code: MTU31 Credit :8 Coefficient:4 M311 : Electromagnetism II  M312: Computational Physics Discovery Teaching Unit _Code: DTU31_ Credit :2 _Coefficient:1 D311: Semiconductor physics Transversal teaching_ unit Code: TTU31_ Credit :2_ Coefficient:1 T311: Scientific English 5  Sixth semester Fundamental teaching unit Code: FTU32 Credit :18 Coefficient:09 F321 : Solid State Physics F322: Nuclear physics F323: Atomic Physics F324: Heat transfer  Methodology  teaching unit  Code: MTU32 Credit :8 Coefficient:4 M321 : Nuclear Physics Lab thermodynamics of solutions surface chemistry  M322: Atomic Physics Lab M323: Physical Optics   Discovery Teaching Unit _Code: DTU32_ Credit :2 _Coefficient:1 D321: Particles  physics Transversal teaching_ unit Code: TTU32_ Credit :2_ Coefficient:1 T321:Scientific English 6  
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