Curriculum Vitae Kouah Sofia
First Name: Sofia
Last Name: Kouah
Nationality: Algerian
Position: Lecturer of Computer Science at the University of Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria.
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Researcher identity
Google Scholar: Link
ResearchGate: Link
ORCID: 0000-0002-1538-5543
HDR degree in Computer Science (Accreditation to Supervise Research), University of Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria. 2020.
Ph.D. degree in in Computer Science (Doctorate of Science), University of Constantine 2, Algeria. 2016.
M. Sc. degree in Computer Science (Magister), Information & Computation Option, University of Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria. 2007.
BEng degree in Computer Science, Parallel and Distributed Systems option, University of Constantine 2, Algeria. 2003.
Baccalaureate degree, Mathematics Option, El Khroub, Constantine 2, Algeria. 1997.
Functions and Affiliations
Associate Professor A. University of Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria. July 12, 2020 – Now.
Associate Professor B. University of Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria. February 03, 2016 –July 11, 2020.
Assistant Professor. University of Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria. October 01, 2012 – February 02, 2016.
Assistant Professor. University of Tebessa, Algeria. September 08, 2007– September 30, 2012.
Teaching modules
At University of Tebessa, Algeria:
Software Engineering 2 (Course), 4th Year Engineer in Computer Science.
Experts Systems (Course), 4th Year Engineer in Computer Science.
UML 2 (Course), 3rd Year License in Computer Science.
Formal Description Methods: LOTOS (Course), 3rd Year License in Computer Science.
Multi Agents Systems (Course and Practical work), 1st Year Master I. S.
Algorithmic and Data Structures (Directed work), 2nd Year License in Computer Science.
Algorithmic 1 & Algorithmic 2 (Directed work and Practical work), 1st Year M.I. & M.S.
Informatic, Practical work in Pascal; 1st Year Material Science.
At University of Oum El Bouaghi:
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, 3rd Year in Computer Science License, ISIL option.
Software Engineering 2 (Course, Directed work and Practical work), 3rd Year Licence in Computer science, option I.S.
Distributed software engineering (Course, Directed work and Practical work), 1sr Year Master, Distributed Architectures option.
Mobil Applications (Course, Directed work and Practical work). 3rd Year Licence in Computer Science, option I. S.
Software Engineering (Course, Directed work and Practical work), 3rd Year Licence in Computer science, option I. S.
Constraint Programming (Course, Directed work and Practical work),1st Year Master, Distributed Architectures option.
Programming & Data Structures (Course, Directed work and Practical work), 1st Year License, M.I.
Informatic: introduction to office automation, internet, databases, Windows 7 for 1st et 2nd Year License in Law, 1st et 2nd Year Master in Law and Political Science.
Informatic: Computers: introduction to office automation, internet, databases, Windows 7 for 1st year License and 1stet 2nd year Master, Political Sciences.
International publications
Synchronized petri net: A formal specification model for multi agent systems. Journal of Software, 2013, vol. 8, no 3, p. 587-602.
Interests and Qualifications
Qualifications : Java, Pascal, C, Prolog, ChocoSolver, Weka, JADE, JFuzzyLogic, Python, Protégé 2000, FOCOVE, UPPAAL. Internet of Things Development (Prototype & Programming), Arduino, Mobil Application under Android Studio, RMI & sockets in Java. Modelio