Curriculum Vitae Kaddour  Chahrazed

Prof. Kaddour  Chahrazed

Professor Materials Science Department, University of Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria


Mobile: 06 64 86 43 03


Researcher identity

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Ph.D.’s degree in Doctorate 2015  in science, Specialty: Semi-conductor, University of Oum el  Bouaghi

 Master’s degree in   :Magister 2005 in Physics and Materials Science, Option: Semiconductor, University of Constantine

License’s degree in … DES Physique 2002 – Diploma of higher studies in solid state physics, University of Constantine

Functions and Affiliations

Associate professor, lecturer in Materials Science Department , Faculty of Exact Sciences and Nature and Life Sciences , University of Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria

Teaching modules

Physicochemical properties of materials CM30 , Master 1 materials chemistry

Methods of characterization of materials CM41 (Physical part) , Master 1 materials chemistry

Advanced MOS devices , Master 1 Applied physics

Thermodynamics in UFC university  of Oum el Bouaghi

Math and Physics of agronomy

Physics of architecture

Physics of science and technology

physics and biophysics of biology

General Electronics

Vibrations and Waves

Numerical  Analysis

International publications

Publication in  5Th  International conference setit  : Sciences of Electronic ,Technologies of Information and Télécommunications 2009, ‘ Modèle Analytique des Caractéristiques Statiques du Transistor MESFET GaAs Submicronique (Lg =0.5µm)’, S.Khemissi-Y.Saidi- C.Kaddour et Y.Saidi

Publication in  XI th International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods, Modeling and Applications to Circuit Design (SM2ACD) 2010, ‘ An Analytical Model for the Transconductance and  Drain Conductance of GaAs MESFETs ’, S.Khemissi – C.Azizi – N.Merabtine – C.Kaddour

Publication in Journal of Materials and Engineering A3(2013)853-858,  ‘ Analytical Model for GaAs MESFETwith High Pinchoff Voltage  ’Chahrazed kaddour , Cherifa Azizi ,Saade Edine Khemissi , Mourad Zaabat and Yasemina Saidi

Interests and Qualifications

Interests: Transistors MOSFET – MESFET – JFET , Thin layers, Semiconductors

PDF version: Short CV Chahrazed Kaddour

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