Curriculum Vitae BENKHELIFA Lazhar

- Prof. BENKHELIFA Lazhar
- Professor, Mathematics and Informatics department, University of Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria.
- Grade: Professor
- E-mail:
- Mobile: 0669981330
Researcher identity
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- Ph.D.’s degree in Mathematics (Statistics)
- Master’s degree in Mathematics (Probability and Statistics).
- License’s degree in Mathematics (Statistics)
Functions and Affiliations
Professor in department of Mathematics and Informatics department, Faculty of Exact Sciences and Natural and Life Sciences, University of Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria
Teaching modules
Probability, Inferential statistics, Algebra 1, Introduction to probability and statistics.
International publications
- L. Benkhelifa (2014). Kernel-type estimator of the reinsurance premium for heavy-tailed loss distributions. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 59, 65-70.
- L. Benkhelifa (2016). Kernel-type estimators for the distortion risk premiums of heavy-tailed distributions. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 2016 (3), 262-278.
- L. Benkhelifa (2017). The Marshall–Olkin extended generalized Lindley distribution: Properties and applications. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 46 (10), 8306-8330.
- L. Benkhelifa (2017). The beta generalized Gompertz distribution. Applied Mathematical Modelling 52, 341-357.
- M. Alizadeh, L. Benkhelifa, M. Rasekhi, B. Hosseini. (2020). The Odd Log-Logistic Generalized Gompertz Distribution: Properties, Applications and Different Methods of Estimation. Communications in Mathematics and Statistics 8 (3), 295–317.
Interests and Qualifications
- Interests: Probability, StatisticsandDifferential Equations.
- Qualifications: R logiciel, Latex, English, French
pdf version: BENKHELIFA Short CV
Scopus: Benkhelifa, Lazhar – Author details – Scopus Preview