Program name Bachelor’s degree in Fundamental Chemistry

Department of  matter sciences

Program name: Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry

  • Domain: Matter Sciences
  • Field: Chemistry
  • Specialty: Fundamental  Chemistry
  1. Program Description:

a) Students oriented to Fundamental chemistry will study chemistry classes – organic, materials, analytical, crystals

b) Courses of the third year will be considered to familiarize students with the field of  Fundamental chemistry

  • Entry Requirements

The entry conditions are based on the results obtained in the 2 year and after the classification of all students of the promotion.

  1. Program Units and modules
First semester Fundamental teaching unit Code: FTU11 Credit :18 Coefficient:9 F111 :Mathematics 1/Analysis and Algebra 1 F112: Physics 2/ Electricity F113: Chemistry 1 / Structure of matter  Methodology  teaching unit  Code: MTU11 Credit :8 Coefficient:4 M111 : Lab Mechanic 1  M112: Lab chemistry 1 M113: Informatics 1/Office Automation and Web Technologies (5 weeks) + Introduction to Algorithms (10 weeks) Discovery Teaching Unit Code: DTU11 Credit :2 Coefficient:1 D111: Choose a material from: Simple physical systems;Discovery of the methods of university work ;Environment;- Biotechnology Transversal teaching_ unit Code: TTU11_ Credit :2_ Coefficient:1 T111: Foreign languages 1  Second semester Fundamental teaching unit Code: FTU12 Credit :18 Coefficient:9 F121 : Mathematics 2/Analysis and Algebra 2 F122:Physics 1/Point mechanics F123: Chemistry 2/ Thermodynamics and kinetics chemical  Methodology  teaching unit  Code: MTU12 Credit :8 Coefficient:4 M121 : Electricity Lab  M122: chemistry 2 Lab M123: Informatics2/Programming Language Discovery Teaching Unit Code: DTU12 Credit :2 Coefficient:1 D121: Choose a material from: Chemistry through basic applications;Business Economics; history of science;Renewable energies Transversal teaching_ unit Code: TTU12_ Credit :2_ Coefficient:1 T121: Foreign languages 2  
Third semester Fundamental teaching unit Code: FTU21 Credit :20 Coefficient:10 F211 : Mineral chemistry Mathematics F212: Organic chemistry F213: Applied mathematics F214: Wave, vibrations and optics  Methodology  teaching unit  Code: MTU21 Credit :8 Coefficient:4 M211 : Mineral Chemistry Lab  M212: Organic Chemistry 1 Lab M213: numerical methods and programming Discovery Teaching Unit Code: DTU21 Credit :2 Coefficient:1 D211: physicochemical analysis techniques I Transversal teaching_ unit Code: TTU12_ Credit :2_ Coefficient:1 T211: English 3  Fourth semester Fundamental teaching unit Code: FTU22 Credit :20 Coefficient:10 F221 : Organic chemistry 2 F222: thermodynamics and chemical kinetics F223: Analytical Chemistry F224: Quantum chemistry   Methodology  teaching unit  Code: MTU22 Credit :8 Coefficient:4 M221 : Analytical Chemistry Lab  M222: Thermodynamics  and chemical kinetic Lab M223: Inorganic chemistry Discovery Teaching Unit Code: DTU22 Credit :2 Coefficient:1 D221: physicochemical analysis techniques II Transversal teaching_ unit Code: TTU22_ Credit :2_ Coefficient:1 T221: English 4  
Fifth semester Fundamental teaching unit Code: FTU31 Credit :20 Coefficient:10 F311 : Organic Chemistry III F312: Analytical Chemistry II F313: Crystallography F314: Quantum Chemistry II  Methodology  teaching unit  Code: MTU31 Credit :8 Coefficient:4 M311 : Analytical chemistry  M312: crystallography molecular modeling M313: Inorganic chemistry Discovery Teaching Unit _Code: DTU31_ Credit :2 _Coefficient:1 D311: Materials chemistry Macromolecular chemistry Environmental chemistry Therapeutic chemistry Bio-organic chemistry Transversal teaching_ unit Code: TTU31_ Credit :2_ Coefficient:1 T311: English 5  Sixth semester Fundamental teaching unit Code: FTU32 Credit :20 Coefficient:10 F321 : Thermodynamics of solutions F322: Electrochemistry F323: Molecular spectroscopy F324: Surface chemistry and catalysis  Methodology  teaching unit  Code: MTU32 Credit :8 Coefficient:4 M321 : thermodynamics of solutions surface chemistry  M322: electrochemistry physical analysis methods Discovery Teaching Unit _Code: DTU32_ Credit :2 _Coefficient:1 D321: Ethics and deontology Transversal teaching_ unit Code: TTU32_ Credit :2_ Coefficient:1 T321: English 6  

Other*: additional work with a semi-annual consultation.

  • Other

Teachers   in collaboration with the domain training team can freely include any type of evaluation ( mini project, internship in companies, personal work, participation in seminars and congresses… etc) that they deem appropriate to encourage students to take better charge of their courses and, at the same time, to combat the phenomenon of student absenteeism from courses.

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