Curriculum Vitae Guerarra Siham

Prof. Guerarra Siham

Professor, Mathematics and Informatics department, University of Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria.


Mobile: …066136199

Researcher identity

Google Scholar: Sihem Guerarra

ReaserchGate:   Sihem Guerarra

ORCID:  0000-0001-6888-5974


Ph.D.’s degree in …2016

License’s degree in ……2001

Teaching modules

Algebra1.  Algebra2. Algebra3.  Algebra4. English

International publications

S. Guerarra and S. Guedjiba, Common least-rank solution of matrix equations AXB=C and AXB=C_{2  }with applications, Facta universitatis (Niš). Ser. Math. Inform, 29 (2014), 313-323.

S. Guerarra and S. Guedjiba, Common Hermitian least-rank solution of matrix equations AXA^{}=B and AXA^{}=B subject to inequality restrictions, Facta universitatis (Niš). Ser. Math. Inform, 30 (2015), 539-554.

S. Guerarra, Positive and negative definite submatrices in an Hermitian least rank solution of the matrix equation AXA^{}=B, Numer. Algebr, Contr. Optim, 9(1) (2019), 15-22.

S. Guerarra, Maximum and minimum ranks and inertias of the Hermitian parts of the least rank solution of the matrix equation AXB=C, Numer. Algebr, Contr. Optim, 11(1) (2021), 75-86

Radja Belkhiri and Sihem Guerarra, SOME STRUCTURES OF SUBMATRICES IN SOLUTION TO THE PAIRE OF MATRIX EQUATIONS AX = C, XB = D,  Mathematical Foundations of Computing, 6, (2), (2023), 231–252

pdf version: Short CV guerarra sihem
Scopus: G. sihem

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