Curriculum Vitae Chebout Mohamed Sedik

Dr. Chebout Mohamed Sedik

Lecturer in computer science at the university of Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria.

Member of: ReLA(CS)2 Laboratory: REsearch LAboratory on Computer Science’s Complex Systems. Team: DISE: Distributed-Intelligent Systems Engineering), University of Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria.

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Resercher identity

GoogleScholar: link

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ORCID: link


November 2022 University of Oum El Bouaghi ALGERIAAccreditation to Supervise Researches
November 2014 – December 2019 University of Oum El Bouaghi ALGERIAPhD in computer sciences  Title: Open Multi-Agent System Controllability Supervisor: Pr. Mokhati Farid (University of Oum el bouaghi, Algeria) Co-Supervisor:  Pr. Babahenini Mohamed Chaouki (University of Biskra, Algeria)Pr. Badri Mourad (University of Quebec TR, Canada)
September 2012 – June 2014 University of Oum El Bouaghi ALGERIAMagister in computer sciences Title: Assessing the effect of aspect-oriented refactoring on multi-agent applications: a dynamic analysis Specialization: Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing
September 2007 – September 2010 University of Oum El Bouaghi ALGERIAComputer science engineer Title: A framework for implementing functional requirements in Multi-Agent Systems Specialization: DS (Distributed Systems)
September 2004 – September 2007 University of Oum El Bouaghi ALGERIADAUS (Diploma in Applied University Studies) in computer sciences Title: Developing an information system for managing human resources in SONELGAZ company. Specialization: IS (Information System)
June 2004Bachelor degree Hamzaoui Mohamed L’Aid college, Meskiana Oum el Bouaghi. Algeria Specialization: Natural and life sciences.
Work experience November 2009 – Avril 2011 IT department manager in Professional Training Centre, Meskiana, Oum el bouaghi, Algeria. 01/04/2011 – 08/10/2014 Software engineer in municipality of Meskiana, Oum el bouaghi, Algeria. 09/10/2014 – 30/09/2017 Assistant professor in the university of Ouargla, Algeria. 01/10/2017 – 15-12-2019 Assistant professor in the university of Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria. 16-12-2019 – 01-11-2022 lecturer in the university of Oum El bouaghi, Algeria. 02-11-2022 – Till today Senior lecturer in the university of Oum El bouaghi, Algeria.
Publications in international journals
Meziani A, Bourouis, A, Chebout MS: NeutroMAS4SCRM: a combined multi-agent system with neutrosophic data analytic hierarchy process framework for supply chain risk management. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. 10.3233/JIFS-222305, November 2022.Chebout MS, Kabour O: Machine Learning-based forecasting models for COVID-19 spread in Algeria. Model Assisted Statistics and Applications, Volume 17(2), pp 99-108; May 2022Chebout MS, Mokhati F, Badri M, Babahenini MC: Monitoring open multi-agent systems: An aspect-oriented programming-based approach.  Multiagent and Grid Systems. vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 155-177, DOI: 10.3233/MGS-190307, July 2019. Chebout MS, Mokhati F, Badri M: Assessing the effect of aspect-oriented refactoring on multi-agent applications: a dynamic analysis. International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems. 7(3), 44-64, DOI :10.4018/IJATS.2015070103, July 2015
Publications in international conferences
Meziani A, Bourouis A, Chebout MS: Neutrosophic Data Analytic Hierarchy Process for Multi Criteria Decision Making: Applied to Supply Chain Risk Management. The 5th International Conference on Advanced Aspects of Software Engineering. September 17-18, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/ICAASE56196.2022.9931541.Chebout MS., Mokhati F. and Marir T.: Self-repair measurement in FPGA-based partial reconfigurable systems. International Conference on Sustainability in Software Engineering & Business Information Management: Innovation and Applications (SSEBIM). September 23-24, 2022. Chebout MS., Mokhati F. and Badri M.: NC4OMAS: A Norms-based Approach for Open Multi-Agent Systems Controllability. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence – Volume 1: ICAART, ISBN 978-989-758-547-0, pages 164-171. February 2022. DOI: 10.5220/0010793600003116.Chebout MS: AOM4JADE: An Aspect-Oriented Monitoring Approach for JADE-based Multi-Agent Applications. 2021 International Conference on Networking and Advanced Systems (ICNAS’21), 27-28 October 2021, pp. 1-6. DOI: 10.1109/ICNAS53565.2021.9628965. Chebout MS., Mokhati F., Badri M. and Babahenini MC: Towards preventive control for Open multi-agent system: an Aspect-based approach. International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO). Pages: 264-274, DOI: 10.5220/0006005602690274. Lisbon, 29-31 July 2016. Hariz S, Bahmed L, Chebout MS: Contribution to Environmental Performance Evaluation by Technologies Information Systems, In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Clean Energy. Istanbul/TURKEY, 8-12 June 2014.

Computer skills

  • DBMS: MS Access, MS SQL server, MySQL.
  • Programming language: Python, Delphi, C/C++, JAVA, SQL, Matlab, AspectJ, MIPS R3000.
  • Web programming language: HTML5, CSS6, JavaScript, Php.
  • IDE:  Eclipse, NetBeans.
  • Formal specification language: Maude, JESS.
  • OS: Windows Xp, Vista, Windows Seven/Eight/10.
  • Modeling Languages: UML, Agent UML, Aspect UML, Merise.
  • Agent development platforms: JADE, Agent Factory, MaDKit.
  • Data analysis software: SPSS.
  • Software: Microsoft Office Pack, DreamWeaver, PowerDesigner, Visual Paradigm, LaTeX, PhotoShop.

Scientific stays

Short scientific stay for 20 days in GISMA University of Applied Sciences. Germany, Potsdam. From 10th February, 2023 to 1st March, 2023.

Scientific Animation

Journal, Conference or events  
ICCSA’2016: International Conference on Computer Science’s Complex Systems and their ApplicationsDate & place12-14 April, 2016 University of Oum el Bouaghi, Algeria
QualityPC Member
SDAIA’2018: Study days on Artificial Intelligence and its ApplicationsDate & place11-12 December, 2018 University of Oum el Bouaghi, Algeria
ICCSA’2021: International Conference on Computer Science’s Complex Systems and their ApplicationsDate & place25- 26 May, 2021 University of Oum el Bouaghi, Algeria
QualityPC Member
SETIT’2022: The 2022 IEEE 9th International Conference on Sciences of Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications (SETIT)Date & place28-30 May, 2022 Sfax (Tunisia) et Genoa (Italy)
QualityPC Member
SDAIA’2021: Study days on Artificial Intelligence and its ApplicationsDate & place06- 07 December 2021 University of Oum el Bouaghi, Algeria
QualityPC Member
Revue de l’Information Scientifique et TechniqueQualityReviewer (since June 2021)
International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologie (IJIIT)QualityReviewer (since June 2021)
PeerJ Computer ScienceQualityReviewer (since October 2021)
Inteligencia ArtificialQualityReviewer (since March 2022)
Model Assisted Statistics and ApplicationsQualityReviewer (since December 2021)

Doctoral training provided for PhD students

  • Information and Communication Technologies for scientific writing (27 – 28 July, 2022)


  • Information and Communication Technologies for bachelor students,
  • Networking,
  • Computer architecture,
  • Operational research,
  • Data analysis software’s,
  • Computer programming,
  • Multi-Agent Systems,
  • Data bases.

Supervising in Master’ degree

1Aspect Oriented Monitoring of JADE-based Multi Agent Applications2020
2Machine Learning-based forecasting models for COVID-19 spread in Algeria2021
3Towards a normative organizational model for Open Multi-Agent Systems2022
4Fuzzy Enforcement in Open Multi-Agent systems (ongoing research project)2023

Research projects

Project titleYear
1Quality Assurance of Intelligent Embedded Systems2019
2Engineering of normative multi-agent systems – application to the governance of public policies2022

pdf version: CV Chebout MS
Scopus Chebout, Mohamed Sedik – Author details – Scopus Preview

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