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The official in charge of international student affairs

Dr. Chaker Bounab

Personal informatio
- Personal
- Prof. Chaker Bounab
- Professor, Physical and Sports Education, University of Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria.
- E-mail:
- Mobile: (+213)780076335
- Researcher identity
- Google Scholar
- ReaserchGate
- ORCID: 0000-0002-6358-4096
- Ph.D.’s degree in Sciences and Methodology of Physical and Sports Activities
- Master’s degree in Science and Technology of Human Movement
- License’s degree in Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities
Functions and Affiliations
- Professor in Biological sciences applied to sport
- ……………………………………..
- Head of Department of Economics, ………………………………………
Teaching modules
Physiology, Biochemistry, Biomechanics, Biochemistry of effort
International publications
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Interests and Qualifications
- Interests: Biological sciences applied to sport, Artificial intelligence applied to sport
- Qualifications: Fitness trainer, Biologist
- Other: Physical and sports preparation, Re-athleticization.