مصباح كاميليا

مصباح كاميليا

السيرة الذاتية

Grade : MCA

Email : mosbah.camelia@univ-oeb.dz

منشورات دولية:

  1. MOSBAH Camélia, BENBOT Amel, MOSBAH Asma, HAMADOUCHE Nadera. HPLC-PDA analysis and antioxidant activity of Algerian Lycium leaves. South Asian Journal of Experimental BiologyVol 10, No 4 (2020).
  2. MOSBAH Camélia, BenbotAmel, Boukaloua Ahmed, MosbahAsma, Kacemchaoche N. Hepatoprotective effect of fractions of Lyciumhalimifolium Mill leaves on aflatoxicosis in mice.South Asian Journal of Experimental Biology.  Accepter le   25/02/2023.
  3. MOSBAH Camelia, AsmaMilet, Mounira Kara ali, ImenTalhi and NoureddineKacemChaouche. Inhibition of aflatoxin B1 production of Aspergillus flavus isolated from peanut seeds using Lyciumleaves fractions. African journal of microbiology research. 2017. 11(9) : 391-399.
  4. Amel BENBOTT, Camélia MOSBAH, Saida KAROUCHE, Nadira HAMDOUCHE,Mahdi Djahida. Subacute hepatotoxicity of alkaloids extracts of Peganumharmala L. seeds in Wistar albino rats. Notulae Scientia Biologicae. May 2022. 14(2):11211. DOI: 10.55779/nsb14211211
  5. AmelBenbott, SaidaKarouche, Camelia Mosbah, Sabah Boukeria, AbdlouahabYahia. Phytochemical, Free Radical Scavenging and Antimicrobial Activities of Glycyrrhizaglabra L. rhizomes Collected from Algeria.J BiochemTechnol (2021) 12(4): 78-83.
  6. Nadira HAMDOUCHE, Ouided BENSLAMA, Amel BENBOTT, Camélia MOSBAH, Haoua DAOUI, Liela CHBILLI, Rabeh ARHAB. Study of the antioxidant and antidiabetic effect of ethanol and aqueous extracts of Anacyclus pyrethrum L. roots. South Asian Journal of Experimental Biology. 2022. 12(5): 735-744
  7. AsmaMosbah , HananeKhither , CaméliaMosbah , SlimaniAbdelkader , MahroukAbdelkader , MaameriZaineb. Serum level of circulating xanthine oxidase in healthy and chronic hepatitis B patients. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. 2022. Volume 13: Special Issue 4. DOI: 10.47750/pnr.2022.13.S04.124.
  8. A. Benbott, C. MOSBAH, K.Derouiche, Y. Moumen, S. Boukeria, A.Yahia Anti-diabetic Activity of Aqueous Extract of PeganumHarmala Roots in Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rats. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research. 2018:10(6): 104-109
  9. A. Benbott, C. MOSBAH, Y. Moumen. Phytochemical, Free Radical Scavenging and antimicrobial activities of Ceratoniasiliqua L. fruits collected of Jijel (Algeria). World Journal of Environmental Biosciences. 2018; (7) 3: 18-22.
  10. AmelBenbott *, YasminaMoumen, CAMÉLIA MOSBAH, KamelDerouiche. Acute Toxicity Of Alkaloids Extracted In The Wistar Albino Mice. The North African Journal of Food and Nutrition Research: (2018) 02; Suppl. (01): A1-A27.
  11. A. Benbott, D. Mahdi, A. Zellagui, Y. Moumen and C. MOSBAH. Effect of alkaloids extract of peganumharmala seeds on histo-function of rat’s testes. Journal of New Technology and Materials (JNTM), Vol. 08, N°02 (2018)70-76
  12. AsmaMosbah, HasnaZetal, HananeKhither, MOSBAH CAMELIA, NoreddineKacemChaouche and Mustapha Benboubetra. Therapeutic effect of Nigella sativa oils on alcohol-induced liver damage in rat model. European Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2017; 20(1): 1-7.
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