كعبوش عز الدين
كعبوش عز الدين
Grade : Prof.
Email : kaabouche.azzeddine@univ-oeb.dz
03 dernières publications:
Chemical constituents and antimicrobial activity of essential oils of Ammodaucus leucotricus |
Spectrophotometric determination of chromium, copper, nickel and iron in electroplating hydroxide sludges |
Application of genetic algorithms (GA) and threshold acceptance (TA) to a ternary liquid-liquid equilibrium system |
- Meniai A-H and Kabouche A, « Simulation of the interaction of dispersed and the continuous phases in liquide -liquid Extraction process by the Monte Carlo method », CAGEP Alger Dec 1996
- Kabouche A and Meniai A-H « A drop population balance for the simulation of liquid-liquid Extraction process », CAGEP Alger Dec 1996
- Kabouche A, Meniai A-H and Bencheikh le hocine « Modélisation et simulation de l’absorption réactive », 3 journées du CAGEP, Ourgla Dec 2001
- Kabouche A, Meniai A-H and Bencheikh Le hocine «Simulation d’une colonne de distillation par un modèle d’équilibre », 6 journées de la SAC Setif, Mai 2002
- Kabouche, A.; Meniai, A-H.; Bencheikh lehocine, M., Modeling the absoption of acidic gases by alkanoamines solutions incorporating several reactions. Chem. Eng.Techol. 2005, 28, 67-71.
- Kabouche A, Meniai A-H and Bencheikh Le hocine « simulation dynamique d’une colonne d’absorption en utilisant un modèle d’equilibre », JNJP1 Oran, Mai 2005
- Kabouche A, Meniai A-H, Bencheikh Le hocine, modelisation de l’absorption des gaz à effet de serre en utilisant une colonne reactive. JCH2, EMP, Alger, Mars 2007
- Kabouche A, Meniai A-H, Hasseine A, Couplage des théories de transfert des systèmes réactifs multiconstituants. CIGP’07 Bejaia, Oct. 2007
- Kabouche A, Meniai A, Rôle des alcanolamines dans l’élimination du dioxyde de carbone et le sulfure d’hydrogène. Int. Cong.Phot. & Env. Constantine, Mai 2008
- Hasseine A, Kabouche A, Estimation des paramètres de coalescence par méthode inverse. 8 Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montréal, aout 2009
- Meniai A-H, Hasseine A., Saouli W., Kabouche A., Modelling of the Interaction of the Dispersed and the Continuous Phases in A Liquid-Liquid Extraction Column. In Multiphase Flow research, 2009 Nova Science Publisher inc. USA, Editors: S.Martin and J.R.Williams, ISBN: 978-1-60692-448-8 (book Chapter)
- Kabouche A, Meniai A, Modelling of the reactive absorption process using an equilibrium concept. Trends in Chemical Engineering, volume 12, 2009, 71-77
- Kabouche A, Meniai A, Mécanismes d’absorption de gaz par les alcanolamines et leurs rôles dans la protection de l’environnement. SNCAATM. OEB, Oct 2010
- Hasseine A., Kabouche A., Meniai A-H., Korichi M., Salting effect of NaCl and KCl equilibria of water + ethyl acetate + ethanol system and interaction Parameters Estimation Using the Genetic Algorithm. Desalination & Water Treatment 2011, 29, 47-55 (Francis &Taylor)
- Kabouche A., Meniai A-H., Hasseine A., Estimation of Coalescence Parameters in an Agitated Extraction Column Using a Hybrid Algorithm. Eng.Technol. 2011,34, 784-790 ( Wiley-VCH) Impact factor (2011):1.39
- Merzougui A., Hasseine A., Kabouche A., Korichi M., LLE for the extraction of alcohol from aqueous solutions with diethyl ether and dichloromethane at 293.15 K, parameter estimation using a hybrid genetic based approach. Fluid Phase Equilibria 2011,309, 161-169 (Elsevier)
- Conférence sur la CAO sous Chemcad, Journée d’étude du département de génie des procédés. Oum El Bouaghi 12/04/2012
- Kabouche A., Boultif A., Abidi A., Gherraf N., Interaction parameter estimation in liquid-liquid phase equilibrium modeling using stochastic and hybrid algorithms. Fluid Phase Equilibria 2012,336, 113-121 (Elsevier)
- Djaballah ML, Kabouche A. Vapour-Liquid Equilibrium Prediction of Carbon Dioxide in an Aqueous Alkanolamine Solution Using Deterministic and Stochastic Algorithms. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 2015;43:1837-42.
- Chebouat E., Dadamoussa B.,Kabouche A., Allaoui M. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of the crude alkaloid extract of Ziziphus mauritiana Lam., grown in Algerian. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. 2013; 20: 1511-1514
- Abdenabi Abidi, Azeddine Kabouche, Nourddine Gherraf, Study of the Tangential Nanofiltration of Orthophosphate Ions in Batch: Effects of Concentration, pH and Ionic Composition. International Journal of ChemTech Research. 2015, 8, 220 1 – 2218
- Boultif, A., Kabouche, A., & Ladjel, S. (2016). Application of Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Threshold Acceptance (TA) to a Ternary Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium System. International Review on Modelling and Simulations (IREMOS), 9(1), 29-36.
- Boudjouada, M., Salhi, R., Bekhbekh, S., Kabouche, A., & Gherraf, N. (2016). Spectrophotometric Determination of Chromium, Copper, Nickel and Iron in Electroplating Hydroxide Sludges. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 28(5), 1079.
- Gherraf, N., Zellagui, A., Kabouche, A., Lahouel, M., Salhi, R., & Rhouati, S. (2017). Chemical constituents and antimicrobial activity of essential oils of Ammodaucus leucotricus. Arabian Journal of Chemistry (Elsevier)
- Djaballah ML, Kabouche A. (2018). Modelling Vapor-liquid equilibrium of CO2 in aqueous MEA using hybrid geneticbased Dec. 09-10, 2018 ENPC, JSSE’ 18. ISBN : 978-9931-9503-0-1
Base Scopus: