عبادلي رياض
الأستاذ: عبادلي رياض
الرتبة: MCA
Email : abadli.ryadh@univ-oeb.dz
- Hobar, MA. Abadli, R., Boucenna, MR. (2023).L’effet de la formation sur la performance des employé de la banque, cas d’étude la CNEP.Journal of Financial, Accounting and ManagerialStudiesVol9 (02) 2022
- Abadli, R., Kooli, C. (2022). SustainableEnergyPolicies in Qatar: On the Green Path. In: Heggy, E., Bermudez, V., Vermeersch, M. (eds) SustainableEnergy-Water-EnvironmentNexus in Deserts. Advances in Science, Technology& Innovation. Springer, Cham.
- C Kooli, R Abadli(2022).Could education quality audit enhancehumanresources management processes of the highereducationinstitutions?Vision 26 (4), 482-490
- C Bakour, R Abadli, AM Yassine(2022).The impact of FDI on economicgrowth: an empiricalstudy of Moroccan FDIInternational Journal of Applied Management Science 14 (3), 246-257
- Y Laib, D Boudada, R Abadli (2021). The Algerian naturalgas in light of the regionalgasmarkets’ developmentsInternational Journal of Engineering Management and Economics 6 (4), 243-258
- (2020). Couldquality audit enhancehumanresources management processes of the highereducationinstitu. Nepalese Journal Of Management Number 7 (1), 50-65
- R Abadli, C Kooli, A Otmani(2020). Entrepreneurial culture and promotion of exporting in Algerian SMEs: Perception, reality and challengesInternational Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 41 (2), 227-240
- C Bakour, R Abadli, AM Yassine(2020). Usingmultivariateanalysis to understand the youthsocio-economic insertion in Morocco. International Journal of Business and Globalisation 25 (3), 296-306
- B Chafik, R Abadli(2019). Dynamics of development and regionaldisparities in Morocco. Journal of Financial, Accounting and ManagerialStudies 6 (2), 118-141
- A Otmani, R Abadli(2019). Contagion channels of the financialcrisistowards Maghreb countries. International Journal of Business and Globalisation 22 (4), 506-523
- C Kooli, R Abadli(2019). The relevance and impact of lawsregulatingpremaritalscreenings in the muslimArab countries. Journal of Sharia and IslamicStudies 35 (120), 281-332
- Y Laib, R Abadli(2018). The asymmetric information risks; between the classicalfinancing formulas and the Islamicfinancialindustry. International Journal of Business and Globalisation 21 (4), 583-600
- Y Laib, R Abadli(2018). L’intention Entrepreneuriale Chez Les EtudiantsEt La Formation UniversitaireCas De La Maison De L’entrepreneuriat De Constantine,Revue des Sciences humaines 50, 255-275.
- R Abadli, A Otmani(2014). Clusters and outsourcing innovation activity. International Journal of Business and Globalisation 12 (2), 237-247
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