بن غالية عبد المجيد
الأستاذ بن غالية عبد المجيد
Grade : Prof
Email : benghalia.madjid@univ-oeb.dz
Liste des CINQ DERNIERES publications |
35- I. Messaoudene, T. A. Denidni, and A. Benghalia, “Low-profile U-shaped DRA for Ultra-wideband applications,” International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, pages 1 of 7. # Cambridge University Press and the European Microwave Association ;2016.
36- Nadjet Sahnoun,,Idris Messaoudene,Tayeb A. Denidni and Abdelmadjid Benghalia:” Dual-polarized cpw-fed conformal antenna for ultra-wideband applications” ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences; VOL. 11, NO. 18,pp 10915-10921; September 2016 ISSN 1819-6608
37-Abla Behloul, Idris Messaoudene, Tayeb A. Denidni and Abdelmadjid Benghalia
‘Three-port triangular dielectric resonator antenna with switching beam forming operation’ Microwave and Optical Technology Letters Volume 59, N° 4, pp 955–958 ,April 2017 DOI: 10.1002/mop.30442
38-Aissaoui, C.; Benghalia, A. and Messaoudene, I.‘Rigorous Analysis of a Compact Triangular Antenna Array Using the Spectral Domain Method.’Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications [online].2017,vol.16, n.1,pp.16-24.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/2179-10742017v16i1725; ISSN 2179-1074
39-]L. Chouti, I. Messaoudene, T. A. Denidni, and A. Benghalia, « Triple-band cpw-fed monopole antenna for wlan/wimax applications, » Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 69, pp 1-7, 2017. ISSN:1937-6480 doi:10.2528/PIERL17031910
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