The first International Conference on Advanced Materials and Energy Technologies (AMET’24)


Workshop on Additive manufacturing (AM), DFT Calculations and Characterizations Techniques

Conference Program

The first International Conference on Advanced Materials and Energy Technologies (AMET’24) will be held from October 12 to 13, 2024, at Oum El-Bouaghi University and the Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology (ISTA), Algeria.

The meeting features invited plenary presentations and contributed poster presentations on cutting-edge research in the field of advanced materials and energy technologies.

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All accepted abstracts will be published in an abstract book by the Science Publishing Group. This publication will provide a valuable platform to showcase your research to a broader audience and enhance the visibility of your work within the scientific community.

Conference Honorary Chair

Pr. Zohir DIBI | Rector of the University of Oum El Bouaghi

Conference Chairman

Pr. Mourad ZAABAT | Head of the Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology, University of Oum el Bouaghi.

Conference Co-chair

Khaoula RAHMOUNI – Ph.D. | University of Oum el Bouaghi.

Invited Speakers

For its first edition, AMET’24 has the honor of welcoming great personalities from the scientific world.

Prof. Nicolas MARTIN

FEMTO-ST Institute | France

Architectured thin films by oblique angle deposition: Growth, properties and a few applications


Nicolas Martin obtained a PhD in Physical Chemistry from the University of Franche-Comté in 1997 and an habilitation degree (Docent) from the same University in 2005. He was a researcher at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland) from 1998 to 2000 in the Physics department. He got a permanent position as Assistant Professor at the National Engineering School ENSMM – “Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et des Microtechniques in Besançon in 2000. He became Professor of Materials Science in 2008. He was a visiting researcher in 2012-2013 at the University of Uppsala (Sweden) where he worked at the Angström Laboratory in the Department of Engineering Sciences, Solid State Electronics. In 2017, he spent a short sabbatical leave in the University of Alberta in Edmonton (Canada) to work in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His research is focused on the physics and technology of metallic and ceramic thin films prepared by reactive sputtering. He is also interested in nanostructuration of coatings prepared by Glancing Angle Deposition (GLAD). He was the head of the MIcro NAno MAterials & Surfaces team (MINAMAS) in the Micro Nano Sciences & Systems (MN2S) research department of the FEMTO-ST Institute for 2008 and 2009. He previously was the Deputy Director of MN2S research department from 2010 to 2014. Nicolas Martin authored or co-authored more than 150 articles in international peer-reviewed journals, 1 patent, 5 chapters in books, 1 ebook, and more than 200 presentations in conferences, workshops and short courses.

Dr.-Ing. Aurélien BESNARD

Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology | LaBoMaP | France

Thin film’s microstructure : The importance of the description of the atomic flux


Aurélien Besnard obtained an Engineer Diploma in Materials from the National Engineering School ENSMM (“Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et des Microtechniques” in 2006 and a PhD in engineering science from the University of Franche-Comté in 2010. He was Temporary Teaching and Research Assistant at the National Engineering School ENSAM (“Ecole Nationale Supérieur des Arts et Métiers”) on the Cluny Campus, before obtaining a position as Associate Professor in 2011. He was a guest researcher for six months in 2019 at the University of Namur (Belgium) where he worked at the Nuclear Reaction Analysis Laboratory (LARN). His research, developed at LaBoMaP (LaBoratory of des Materials and Processes), focuses on the development and characterization of thin metallic and ceramic films prepared by cathode sputtering, in a global approach combining process simulation and experimentation. He is also interested in the nanostructuring of thin films prepared by Oblic Angle Deposition (OAD). Since 2019, he is head of the Materials- Foundry-Forge department at the Cluny Campus. Aurélien Besnard is author or co-author of more than 30 articles in international peerreviewed journals, and more than 60 conference presentations. He is a reviewer for major journals in the field with nearly 130 reviewed articles.


Department of Orthopaedics | University of Illinois | United States of America

Comparative study of robotic assisted knee arthroplasty versus conventional techniques: A look at periprosthetic fractures risks


Dr. Amirouche is currently a Professor and Director of Orthopaedic research at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He is the Director of Biomechanics at the Northshore University Systems, Orthopaedic Research Institute affiliate of the University of Chicago. He is also a senior research scientist at Jesse Brown Veterans Hospital, Chicago, IL. A graduate of University of Cincinnati where he received his BS, MS, and Doctorate degree in Engineering Science Aerospace, and mechanical engineering with focus on Biomechanics.

Prof. Kemal ÖZDOĞAN

Yıldız Technical University | Istanbul | Türkiye

Heusler alloys and their exotic properties


Kemal ÖZDOĞAN obtained a Ph.D. in Physics from Gebze Technical University in 2009. He worked at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology as a PostDoc before becoming Professor at Yıldız Technical University in Türkiye.


University of Technology of Troyes | France

Development of bahviour and multifunctional coatings for use in harsh environment


Dr Akram Alhussein, actually an Associate Professor at the University of Technology of Troyes. He is teaching Mechanics of Materials and Metallic Materials and his research activities are focused on the development of protective and multifunctional coatings. His main research interests are thin films, hydrogen embrittlement and additive manufacturing. Actually, Dr Alhussein is a member of the LASMIS research unit board and an international responsible for the Materials and Mechanical Engineering division at the UTT. He is a lead of many research projects and a director of many PhD students. Dr Alhussein had got his PhD thesis in the field of Mechanics of Materials from the University of Lorraine in 2010. Between 2010 and 2012, He worked as an assistant professor at the University of Caen Lower-Normandy and then as a researcher at the University of Technology of Compiegne.

Prof. George Kaptay

University of Miskolc | Hungary

Equilibria of nano materials


Pr. George Kaplay is Head of the department of Nanomaterials of the Bay Zoltan Applied Research ltd. He is also a Professor at the university of Miskolc and head of the department of Nanotechnology.


The first International Conference on Advanced Materials and Energy Technologies (AMET’24) will organize (optional) workshops covering five topics which are listed below.

3D Printing using Cura and Z-suite

  • Dr. Ilyes BENSALEM | University of Setif 1
  • Dr. Abdelghani KHENNAB | University of Batna 2

The 3D printing process builds a 3-dimensional object from a digital computer-aided design model, usually by successively adding material layer by layer, which is why it is also known as additive manufacturing. Objects or parts are built in very thin layers, allowing for highly complex geometries that are impossible to achieve via any other manufacturing process.

Density Functional Theory (DFT)

  • Dr. Haroun RIGHI | University of Batna 1
  • Dr. Aissam HIDOUCI | University Center of Barika
  • Dr. Raouf Beddiaf | Higher National School of Renewable Energies, Environment & Sustainable Development

Density functional theory (DFT) is a method for solving the electronic structure problem defined by the Schrödinger equation of interacting electrons.

Modeling Molecules of New Structures in Nanotechnology

Dr. Abdallah ZAITER | University of Oum El-Bouaghi

Dr. Mohamed Amine ZERIZER | University of Oum El-Bouaghi

Dr. Hacene NEMDILI | University of Constantine 1


In only a few decades the Molecular Dynamics (MD) world has moved from a field dominated by a few highly specialized groups with a deep knowledge of the technology, who are typically method and software developers, to a situation where MD is present in many more areas of science, including biology.

How to get published ?

  • Pr. Zakaria LABOUDI | University of Oum El-Bouaghi

The aim of this workshop is to guide young researchers through all stages of the publication process, allowing them to plan their writing and publication methods, and ultimately their career, with much greater care. This workshop offers a guide through all stages of the publication process, using a broad variety of tools and principles which can be used to take control of one’s publication strategies. This allows PhD students to take off on a flying start: knowledge and skills that would otherwise be the result of a long process of trial and error are now ready-at-hand for them to use at the very beginnings of their academic career.

The following points will be discussed:

The paper submission and publishing process, specifically focusing on what the authors should consider when writing a quality manuscript:
    – Preparations.
    – Article construction.
    – Language.
    – Technical details.
    – Where to submit (how to select a journal for publishing).
    – How the paper review process is organized.
    – How to do manuscript revisions and what to respond to reviewers.
    – What ethical issues could appear.
    – What else to do after the paper is accepted.

At the end of the talk, the Q&A session will be followed by an open discussion.

Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Characterization Techniques

Dr. Khaoula RAHMOUNI | University of Oum El-Bouaghi


The aim is that the workshop will help you expand your knowledge in transmission electron microscopy and help you appreciate how quickly advances in technology are developing. This will allow you to choose the appropriate instrument or technique(s) when dealing with materials.

Conference topics

Advanced Materials and Their applications

  • Materials characterization
  • Thin films and interfaces
  • Mechanics of heterogeneous materials
  • Composite, Polymers, and Smart Materials
  • Cellular materials.
  • Nanomaterials.
  • Metallurgical processes.
  • Innovative materials.
  • Biomechanics and Biomaterials
  • Material recycling and environmental assessment
  • Applied Surface Science, Surface Science and Surface Engineering
  • Biointerfaces and Materials Engineering

Nanotechnology engineering and Additive manufacturing.

  • Nanometer Structures
  • Electronic Materials, Energy Reduction and Carbon Reduction
  • Plasma Science and Technologies
  • Vacuum Science, Technology and Applications
  • Innovations, Design & Future Technology in 3D Printing
  • Clinical applications of 3D Printing in Orthopedics and Traumatology
  • Nano 3D Printing
  • 3D Printing in Manufacturing
  • 3D Printing Future Technology

Renewable Energy and Storage

  • Heat and mass transfer.
  • Heat exchangers.
  • Fluid dynamics and CFD.
  • Renewable energies and sustainable development
  • Hydraulic and thermal turbomachines.
  • Aerodynamics and aeronautics.
  • Biosystems engineering
  • Cogeneration of heat and power
  • Biomass
  • Energy Storage Technologies
  • Green Hydrogyn

Our Partners


Important dates

Abstract submissions deadline

July 01, 2024

July 10, 2024

Acceptance notification

July 15, 2024

August 25, 2024

Final program

October 05, 2024