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Organization Card S1 2024-2025.

Organization Card for the First Semester 2024-2025 for download

Common Core (Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities)

Unit U.E.F J00F0001S1 (Coefficient/ Credit)Number of weekly  lecturesNumber of weekly tutorialsNumber of weekly practical sessionsCoefficientCreditWeightsWeights
Label Module     lecturetutorial
History and philosophy of APS14//0203100 
Gymnastics 114/1402035050
Athletics 114/1402035050
Swimming 114/1402035050
Unit  U.E.M J00M0001S1 (Coefficient/ Credit)
Scientific Research Methodology1414 04075050
Unit  U.E.D J00D0001S1 (Coefficient/ Credit)
Educational Sciences14//0101100/
Introduction to sports training14//0101100/
Introduction to educational sports physical activity14//0101100/
Unit  U.E.T J00T0001S1 (Coefficient/ Credit)
living language: English 114//0101100/

Branch, Sports Training

Unit U.E.F J00F0001S1 (Coefficient/ Credit)Number of weekly  lecturesNumber of weekly tutorialsNumber of weekly practical sessionsCoefficientCreditWeightsWeights
Label Module     lecturetutorial
Sports training theory and methodology14//02035050
Physical culture (bodybuilding)14/1402035050
Pedagogy of sports training 1//140203/100
Unit  U.E.M J00M0001S1 (Coefficient/ Credit)
Educational Theories14//0204100/
Descriptive statistics14//0305100/
Unit  U.E.D J00D0001S1 (Coefficient/ Credit)
Sports physical activity and globalization14//0101100/
Unit  U.E.T J00T0001S1 (Coefficient/ Credit)
Sociology of sport14//0101100/

Branch, Physical activity and educational sports

Unit U.E.F J00F0001S1 (Coefficient/ Credit)Number of weekly  lecturesNumber of weekly tutorialsNumber of weekly practical sessionsCoefficientCreditWeightsWeights
Label Module     lecturetutorial
Specialty: Collective sports14/1404065050
Specialty:  Individual  sports14/1404065050
Memory project1414/03045050
Unit  U.E.M J00M0001S1 (Coefficient/ Credit)
Comparative education methodology14//0203100/
Orientation and sports selection1414/02035050
Sports test batteries1414 02035050

Branch, Physical activity and educational sports, Specialty, Education and Movement Sciences

Unit U.E.F J00F0001S1 (Coefficient/ Credit)Number of weekly  lecturesNumber of weekly tutorialsNumber of weekly practical sessionsCoefficientCreditWeightsWeights
Label Module     lecturetutorial
Specialty: Collective sports14/1404065050
Specialty:  Individual  sports14/1404065050
Memory project1414/03045050
Unit  U.E.M J00M0001S1 (Coefficient/ Credit)
Comparative education methodology14//0203100/
Orientation and sports selection1414/02035050
Sports test batteries1414 02035050

Master 1 Degree

Branch, Sports Training,) Specialty (Physical And Sports Preparation)

Unit U.E.F J00F0001S1 (Coefficient/ Credit)Number of weekly  lecturesNumber of weekly tutorialsNumber of weekly practical sessionsCoefficientCreditWeightsWeights
Label Module     lecturetutorial
Physiology of physical effort 11414/02045050
Sports Training Theory and Methodology 11414/02035050
Planning and programming in sports training 11414/02035050
Practical pedagogy 1//140204/100
Unit  U.E.M J00M0001S1 (Coefficient/ Credit)
Sports tests and measurements1414/01025050
Methodology of scientific research1414/02035050
Statistics applied to sports activities1414/02035050
Unit  U.E.D J00D0001S1 (Coefficient/ Credit)
Injuries and first aid14//0101100/
Medical follow-up14//0101100/
Unit  U.E.T J00T0001S1 (Coefficient/ Credit)
English 114//0101100/
Computer science 114//0101100/

Branch, Physical activity and educational sports,) Specialty Sports and School Physical Activity

Unit U.E.F J00F0001S1 (Coefficient/ Credit)Number of weekly  lecturesNumber of weekly tutorialsNumber of weekly practical sessionsCoefficientCreditWeightsWeights
Label Module     lecturetutorial
Curriculum design and construction1414/02055050
Planning and educational programming of physical and sports activities1414/02045050
Textures, balance and analysis of movement1414/02045050
Practical pedagogy 1//140205/100
Unit  U.E.M J00M0001S1 (Coefficient/ Credit)
Epistemology of physical and sports activities14//0102100/
Scientific research methodology1414/02035050
Documentary research1414/02035050
Unit  U.E.D J00D0001S1 (Coefficient/ Credit)
School legislation14//0101100/
Information and communication technologies ICT14//0101100/
Unit  U.E.T J00T0001S1 (Coefficient/ Credit)
English 114//0101100/
Computer science 114//0101100/

Master 2 Degree

Branch, Sports Training, Specialty (Physical And Sports Preparation)

Unit U.E.F J00F0001S1 (Coefficient/ Credit)Number of weekly  lecturesNumber of weekly tutorialsNumber of weekly practical sessionsCoefficientCreditWeightsWeights
Label Module     lecturetutorial
Analysis of sports competitions1414/02045050
Training of physical qualities1414/02045050
Sports injuries and rehabilitation14//0102100/
Sports Biomechanics1414 02045050
Practical pedagogy 3//140204/100
Unit  U.E.M J00M0001S1 (Coefficient/ Credit)
Preliminary draft of the memory1414/0405/100

Branch, Physical activity and educational sports, Specialty Sports and School Physical Activity

Unit U.E.F J00F0001S1 (Coefficient/ Credit)Number of weekly  lecturesNumber of weekly tutorialsNumber of weekly practical sessionsCoefficientCreditWeightsWeights
Label Module     lecturetutorial
Acquisition of motor skills1414/02045050
Educational physical and sports activities1414/03055050
Motor Compatibility1414/02045050
Practical pedagogy 3//140305/100
Unit  U.E.M J00M0001S1 (Coefficient/ Credit)
Preliminary draft of the memory1414/0405/100

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