زعباط مراد
زعباط مراد
Grade : Prof.
Email : zaabat.mourad@univ-oeb.dz
آخر المنشورات:
- Study of Undoped and Indium DopedZnOThin Films Deposited by Sol Gel Method
Medjaldi, M., Touil, O., Boudine, B., zaabatM.Sebais, M., Ozyuzer, L.2018 SIlicon Silicon
- Morphology and photocatalyticactivity of porous (In, Mg) co-dopedZnOnanoparticles Benzitouni, S., Zaabat, M., Aida, M.S., (…), Mansouri, L., Saidani, T. 2018 OPTIK.
- the use of advancedatomic force microscopy for the quantitative nanomechanicalcharacterization of Co-dopedZnOthin films 2017 Chinese Journal of Physics
- Fe2O4/ZnO-nanowiressynthesis by dip-coating for Orange II-dyephotodegradation Benaboud, A., Zaabat, M., Aida, M.S., (…), Benzitouni, S., Saidani, T. 2017 OPTIK.
- Influence of precursor source on sol–gel depositedZnOthin films properties Saidani, T., Zaabat, M., Aida, M.S., (…), Rasheed, M., Almohamed, Y.
2017 | Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics |
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