Bachelor’s dgree in Civil engineering

Bachelor’s dgree in Civil engineering


Program Description:

The Civil Engineering License course aims to give the student a scientific and technological basis ensuring the mastery of academic and practical knowledge in the various construction fields. Besides, a professional aptitude leading to a good insertion in functions of framing, management within construction companies, follow-up and control of projects, this License ensures to the student a scientific and specific basic training which him confers [cow_johnson][/cow_johnson]a capacity of assimilation allowing him to access higher degrees: the Master and the possibility of preparing a Doctorate in the various specialties of Civil Engineering.

Academic Program


Semester 1

Teaching unit

Title of the Subject

Fundamental teaching unit

Mathematics 1

Physics 1

Structure of the material

Methodology teaching unit

TP Physics 1

TP Chemistry 1

Informatics 1


Discovery teaching unit

Careers in science  and technology 1

Transversal teaching unit

ForeignLanguage 1 (English)

Semester 2

Teaching unit Title of the Subject

Fundamentalteaching unit

Mathematics 2

Physics 2


Methodologyteaching unit

TP Physics 2

TP Chemistry 2

Informatics 2

Methodology of the presentation

Discoveryteaching unit

Careers in science  and technology 2

Transversal teaching unit

ForeignLanguage2 (English)

Semester 3

Teaching unit Title of the Subject

Fundamentalteaching unit

Mathematics 3
Waves and vibrations
Rational mechanics

Methodologyteaching unit

Probability and statistics
Informatics 3
Technical design
TP Waves and vibrations

Discoveryteaching unit

Basic technology

Transversal teaching unit

Technical English

Semester 4

Teaching unit Title of the Subject

Fundamentalteaching unit

Soil Mechanics

Building materials

Mathematics 4


Strength of materials

Methodologyteaching unit

Computer Aided Design

TP Soil Mechanics

TP NumericalMethods

TP Strength of Materials and Fluid Mechanics

TP Building Materials

Discoveryteaching unit


Topography 1

Transversal teaching unit

Entrepreneurship and business management

Semester 5

Teaching unit Title of the Subject

Fundamentalteaching unit

Resistance of  Materials 2

Reinforced Concrete 1

Structural Steel

SoilMechanics 2

Building Materials 2

Methodologyteaching unit

TP Topography

TP Soil Mechanics 2

TP Construction Materials2

Construction Drawing

Discoveryteaching unit

Topography 2

General hydraulics

Transversal teaching unit

Construction techniques and rules

Semester 6

Teaching unit Title of the Subject

Fundamentalteaching unit

Structural Design

Steel Structures

Reinforced Concrete 2

Foundations and Geotechnical Structures

Methodology teaching unit

End of Cycle Project

Computer-aided design

Quantity Surveying and Estimation

Discovery teaching unit

Roads and Miscellaneous Networks

Organisation of building sites

Transversal teaching unit

Professional project and business management


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