Bachelor’s degree Process Engineering
Bachelor’s degree Process Engineering
Program Description:
The Bachelor of Science in Process Engineering is is a graduation engineering program offered at the University of Oum El Bouaghi, Faculty of Science and Applied Science, Department of Process Engineering. The bachelor’s degree is a 3-year program designed for students who wish to acquire an in-depth technical basis in Process Engineering.
The students in process engineering learns the feasibility conditions for a process and proposes appropriate technical solutions that make it possible to extrapolate them on the scale of the chemical industry. All this is gained through an in-depth curriculum in several subjects such as mathematics, physics, computer science and programming. As well as specialization materials that deal with the process of converting matter, heat, energy and momentum in all chemical industries. In addition to conducting research and in-depth study to link the price of the product (quantity, product characteristics and costs) on the one hand, and the extent of respect for quality, safety, and the environment on the other hand.
This training qualifies them to pursue jobs in the field of methodology engineering and various related fields, or to pursue a master’s degree in chemical engineering.
Academic program
Semester 1
Teaching unit | Title of the Subject |
Fundamentalteaching unit | Mathematics 1 |
Physics 1 | |
Structure of the material | |
Methodologyteaching unit | TP Physics 1 |
TP Chemistry 1 | |
Informatics 1 | |
Writingmethodology | |
Discoveryteaching unit
Careers in science and technology 1 |
Transversal teaching unit | ForeignLanguage 1 (English) |
Semester 2
Teaching unit | Title of the Subject |
Fundamentalteaching unit | Mathematics 2 |
Physics 2 | |
Thermodynamics | |
Methodologyteaching unit | TP Physics 2 |
TP Chemistry 2 | |
Informatics 2 | |
Methodology of the presentation | |
Discoveryteaching unit | Careers in science and technology 2 |
Transversal teaching unit | ForeignLanguage2 (English) |
Semester 3
Teaching unit | Title of the Subject |
Fundamentalteaching unit | Mathematics 3 |
Waves and vibrations | |
Fluidmechanics | |
Inorganicchemistry | |
Methodologyteaching unit | Probability and statistics |
Informatics 3 | |
Technical design | |
TP Waves and vibrations | |
Discoveryteaching unit | HSE Industrial plants |
Regulations and standards | |
Transversal teaching unit | Technical English |
Semester 4
Teaching unit | Title of the Subject |
Fundamentalteaching unit |
Solution chemistry |
Organic chemistry | |
Chemical thermodynamics | |
Numerical methods | |
Chemical kinetics | |
Methodologyteaching unit |
TP Solution Chemistry |
TP Organic Chemistry | |
TP Fluid Mechanics | |
TP Numerical Methods | |
TP Chemical Kinetics | |
Discoveryteaching unit | Introduction to refining and petrochemistry |
Concepts of transferphenomena | |
Transversal teaching unit | Entrepreneurship and business management |
Semester 5
Teaching unit | Title of the Subject |
Fundamentalteaching unit |
Heat Transfer Kinetics and homogeneous catalysis |
Matter Transfer | |
Quantity of Motion Transfer | |
Electrochemistry | |
Instrumentation – Sensors | |
Kinetics and homogeneous catalysis | |
Methodologyteaching unit | Analytical techniques |
TP Chemistry Physics 1 and Chemical | |
Engineering 1 | |
Macroscopic balances | |
Discoveryteaching unit | pharmaceuticalprocesses |
Agri-foodprocesses | |
Transversal teaching unit | Pollution: Air, water, soil |
Semester 6
Teaching unit | Title of the Subject |
Fundamentalteaching unit | Unit operations |
Thermodynamics of equilibria | |
Homogeneous reactors | |
Surface phenomena and heterogeneous catalysis | |
Methodologyteaching unit | End of Cycle Project |
Physical chemistry 2 and chemical | |
Physical chemistry 2 and chemical engineering 2 | |
Discoveryteaching unit | Cryogenic processes |
Corrosion | |
Transversal teaching unit | Professional project and business management |