Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Construction
Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Construction
Program Description:
The objective of the Mechanical Construction License is to give students all the knowledge necessary to understand and solve problems related to mechanical systems. This training allows students to acquire a broad scientific culture in the field of engineering sciences, with solid foundations in mechanics, mathematics and scientific computing. It consists of: – Train students in methods of synthesis, analysis and understanding of laws and fundamental phenomena within the field of mechanical sciences. – Provide the essential complements to the applications of mathematics and computer science. – Prepare students for the acquisition of theoretical and practical methods for applications in various fields in general and in the field of mechanical industries in particular.
Academic program:
Semester 1
Teaching unit | Title of the Subject |
Fundamentalteaching unit | Mathematics 1 |
Physics 1 | |
Structure of the material | |
Methodologyteaching unit | TP Physics 1 |
TP Chemistry 1 | |
Informatics 1 | |
Writingmethodology | |
Discoveryteaching unit
Careers in science and technology 1 |
Transversal teaching unit | ForeignLanguage 1 (English) |
Semester 2
Teaching unit | Title of the Subject |
Fundamentalteaching unit | Mathematics 2 |
Physics 2 | |
Thermodynamics | |
Methodologyteaching unit | TP Physics 2 |
TP Chemistry 2 | |
Informatics 2 | |
Methodology of the presentation | |
Discoveryteaching unit | Careers in science and technology 2 |
Transversal teaching unit | ForeignLanguage2 (English) |
Semester 3
Teaching unit | Title of the Subject |
Fundamentalteaching unit | Mathematics 3 |
Waves and vibrations | |
Fluidmechanics | |
Rational mechanics | |
Methodologyteaching unit | Probability and statistics |
Informatics 3 | |
Technical design | |
TP Waves and vibrations | |
Discoveryteaching unit | Basic technology |
Metrology | |
Transversal teaching unit | Technical English |
Semester 4
Teaching unit | Title of the Subject |
Fundamentalteaching unit | Thermodynamics 2 |
MechanicalManufacturing | |
Mathematics 4 | |
Numericalmethods | |
Strength of materials | |
Methodologyteaching unit | Computer Aided Design |
TP FluidMechanics | |
TP NumericalMethods | |
TP Strength of Materials | |
TP MechanicalManufacturing | |
Discoveryteaching unit | Industrialelectricity |
Materials Science | |
Transversal teaching unit | Entrepreneurship and business management |
Semester 5
Teaching unit | Title of the Subject |
Fundamentalteaching unit | Analyticalmechanics |
Mechanical Engineering1 | |
Strength of Materials 2 | |
Elasticity | |
Methodologyteaching unit | Industrial Design |
Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing | |
TP Metrology | |
Discoveryteaching unit | Control and regulation |
Maintenance | |
Transversal teaching unit | Environment and sustainable development |
Semester 6
Teaching unit | Title of the Subject |
Fundamentalteaching unit | Mechanical Engineering 2 |
Mechanism theory | |
Heat transfer | |
Structural dynamics | |
Methodologyteaching unit | End of Cycle Project |
Internal combustion engine | |
T P Thermal Transfers | |
Discoveryteaching unit | Hydraulic and pneumatic systems |
Non-metallic materials | |
Transversal teaching unit | Professional project and business management |