Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Construction

Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Construction

Program Description:

The objective of the Mechanical Construction License is to give students all the knowledge necessary to understand and solve problems related to mechanical systems. This training allows students to acquire a broad scientific culture in the field of engineering sciences, with solid foundations in mechanics, mathematics and scientific computing. It consists of: – Train students in methods of synthesis, analysis and understanding of laws and fundamental phenomena within the field of mechanical sciences. – Provide the essential complements to the applications of mathematics and computer science. – Prepare students for the acquisition of theoretical and practical methods for applications in various fields in general and in the field of mechanical industries in particular.

Academic program:

Semester 1

Teaching unit Title of the Subject
Fundamentalteaching unit Mathematics 1
Physics 1
Structure of the material
Methodologyteaching unit TP Physics 1
TP Chemistry 1
Informatics 1

Discoveryteaching unit


Careers in science  and technology 1
Transversal teaching unit ForeignLanguage 1 (English)

Semester 2

Teaching unit Title of the Subject
Fundamentalteaching unit Mathematics 2
Physics 2
Methodologyteaching unit TP Physics 2
TP Chemistry 2
Informatics 2
Methodology of the presentation
Discoveryteaching unit Careers in science  and technology 2
Transversal teaching unit ForeignLanguage2 (English)

Semester 3

Teaching unit Title of the Subject
Fundamentalteaching unit Mathematics 3
Waves and vibrations
Rational mechanics
Methodologyteaching unit Probability and statistics
Informatics 3
Technical design
TP Waves and vibrations
Discoveryteaching unit Basic technology
Transversal teaching unit Technical English

Semester 4

Teaching unit Title of the Subject
Fundamentalteaching unit Thermodynamics 2
Mathematics 4
Strength of materials
Methodologyteaching unit Computer Aided Design
TP FluidMechanics
TP NumericalMethods
TP Strength of Materials
TP MechanicalManufacturing
Discoveryteaching unit Industrialelectricity
Materials Science
Transversal teaching unit Entrepreneurship and business management

Semester 5

Teaching unit Title of the Subject
Fundamentalteaching unit Analyticalmechanics
Mechanical Engineering1
Strength of  Materials 2
Methodologyteaching unit Industrial Design
Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing
TP Metrology
Discoveryteaching unit Control and regulation
Transversal teaching unit Environment and sustainable development

Semester 6

Teaching unit Title of the Subject
Fundamentalteaching unit Mechanical Engineering 2
Mechanism theory
Heat transfer
Structural dynamics
Methodologyteaching unit End of Cycle Project
Internal combustion engine
 T P Thermal Transfers
Discoveryteaching unit Hydraulic and pneumatic systems
Non-metallic materials
Transversal teaching unit Professional project and business management





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