Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Maintenance

Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Maintenance

Program Description:

The objective of this license is to train managers in Industrial Maintenance who will be able, in the exercise of their functions, to accomplish the following tasks:

  1. Define and implement maintenance techniques,
  2. Manage maintenance actions,
  3. Manage the maintenance of complex industrial production systems,
  4. Design solutions to improve operating safety,
  5. Schedule and have automated equipment maintenance operations carried out,
  6. Enforce and respect safety and environmental standards,
  7. Ensure the operational safety of industrial equipment at a lower cost,
  8. Leading a team and managing projects in the design offices and/or in the production workshops, The specialist holder of a license in Industrial Maintenance is able to ensure the proper functioning of an industrial installation.As part of his duties, he will thus be required to perform functions as diverse as:
  9. Technical function: maintenance of resources, repairs, etc.
  10. Management function: maintenance management, inventory management, etc.
  11. Quality and safety function: reliability, operating safety, etc.
  12. Communication function: inter-departmental relations, management, etc.

Academic program 

Semester 1

Teaching unit Title of the Subject
Fundamentalteaching unit Mathematics 1
Physics 1
Structure of the material
Methodologyteaching unit TP Physics 1
TP Chemistry 1
Informatics 1

Discoveryteaching unit


Careers in science  and technology 1
Transversal teaching unit ForeignLanguage 1 (English)

Semester 2

Teaching unit Title of the Subject
Fundamentalteaching unit Mathematics 2
Physics 2
Methodologyteaching unit TP Physics 2
TP Chemistry 2
Informatics 2
Methodology of the presentation
Discoveryteaching unit Careers in science  and technology 2
Transversal teaching unit ForeignLanguage2 (English)

Semester 3

Teaching unit Title of the Subject
Fundamentalteaching unit Mathematics 3
Waves and vibrations
Basic Electronics 1
Basic Electrical Engineering 1
Methodologyteaching unit Probability and statistics
Informatics 3
Electronics and Electrical Engineering TP
TP Waves and vibrations
Discoveryteaching unit State of the art in electrical engineering
Energy and environment
Transversal teaching unit Technical English

Semester 4

Teaching unit Title of the Subject
Fundamentalteaching unit Hydraulics and pneumatics
Combinatorial logic and sequential logic
Strength of materials
Methodologyteaching unit TP Electrical and  and electronic measurements
TP Logic
TP NumericalMethods
TP Hydraulics and pneumatics
Discoveryteaching unit Energy conversion systems
Electrical and electronic measurement concepts
Transversal teaching unit Entrepreneurship and business management

Semester 5

Teaching unit Title of the Subject
Fundamentalteaching unit

Machine components


Organization and method of maintenance
Appliedelectrical engineering
Methodologyteaching unit TP Computer Aided Maintenance Management
TP of Electronics andElectrical Engineering
Industrial Drafting and CAD
TP Metrology and Assembly
Discoveryteaching unit Heat Transfer Elements
Sensors and Metrology
Transversal teaching unit Environment and sustainable development

Semester 6

Teaching unit Title of the Subject
Fundamentalteaching unit Thermal and hydraulic machine technology
Structural dynamics
Signal Processing
Servo Systems and Control
Methodologyteaching unit End of Cycle Project
Internal combustion engine
Repairs and interventions/TP MCI
Discoveryteaching unit

Tools for conditional preventive maintenance


Industrial robotics
Transversal teaching unit Professional project and business management


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