Bachelor’s degree in hydraulics

Bachelor’s degree in hydraulics

Program Description:

The Bachelor of Science in hydraulics is an undergraduate engineering program offered at the University of Oum El Bouaghi, Faculty of Sciences and Applied Sciences, Department of hydraulic Engineering. The bachelor’s degree is a 3-year program designed for students who want to get a thorough technical grounding in hydraulics.

This curriculum falls within the field of Science and Technology in fundamental subjects like maths, physics and computer science in the two first semesters; and on hydraulics related subjects, such as: general hydraulics(fluid mechanics) , hydrology, drinking water supply, sewerage network,pump and pump station,water treatment and purification, watermanagement, etc… Besides, students apply their theoretical knowledge in labs and projects, which prepares them to pursue careers in hydraulics related fields, or pursue a master degree in urban hydraulics and hydraulics structures.

The aim of this training is to provide graduates with the intellectual skills needed toproblems related to the pollution phenomenon of urbanized sites, to make adequate sewerage network improved drinking water supply.

Academic program

Semester 1

Teaching unit Title of the Subject
Fundamentalteaching unit Mathematics 1
Physics 1
Structure of the material
Methodologyteaching unit TP Physics 1
TP Chemistry 1
Informatics 1

Discoveryteaching unit


Careers in science  and technology 1
Transversal teaching unit ForeignLanguage 1 (English)
Semester 2
Teaching unit Title of the Subject
Fundamentalteaching unit Mathematics 2
Physics 2
Methodologyteaching unit TP Physics 2
TP Chemistry 2
Informatics 2
Methodology of the presentation
Discoveryteaching unit Careers in science  and technology 2
Transversal teaching unit ForeignLanguage2 (English)
Semester 3
Teaching unit Title of the Subject
Fundamentalteaching unit Mathematics 3
Waves and vibrations
Rational mechanics
Methodologyteaching unit Probability and statistics
Informatics 3
Technical design
TP Waves and vibrations
Discoveryteaching unit Basic technology
Transversal teaching unit Technical English

Semester 4

Teaching unit Title of the Subject
Fundamentalteaching unit General hydraulics I
Hydrology I
Mathematics 4
Numerical methods
Resistance of materials


Methodologyteaching unit

Computer Aided Drafting
TP Fluid Mechanics
TP Numerical Methods
TP Resistance of Materials
TP Hydrology
Discoveryteaching unit Geology
Transversal teaching unit Entrepreneurship and business management

Semester 5

Teaching unit Title of the Subject


Fundamentalteaching unit

General Hydraulics II
Hydrology II
Hydraulic structures
Soil mechanics
Methodologyteaching unit TP Topography
Water treatment and purification
TP Soil Mechanics
TP Hydraulics
Discoveryteaching unit Irrigation
Notions de Système d’informations géographiques
Transversal teaching unit Législation des eaux

Semester 6

Teaching unit Title of the Subject
Fundamentalteaching unit Hydraulic developments
Drinking water supply
Building materials
Pumps and pumping stations
Methodologyteaching unit End of Cycle Project
Notions of reinforced concrete
Discoveryteaching unit Water resources management.
Pipe technology and network equipment
Transversal teaching unit Professional project and business management



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