Bachelor’s degree in automatique

Bachelor’s degree in automatique

Program Description:

A bachelor’s degree in Automatic Control  is designed to intellectually prepare students to pursue master’s degrees in Automatic. For example, it allows the graduate to be integrated into industrial process asan Engineer. The training’s goal is to assist students obtain knowledge and abilities in Automated process, in both its global and functional dimensions, while also instilling in them an adaptive and synthesis-minded approach.

Academic program

Semester 1

Teaching unit Title of the Subject
Fundamentalteaching unit Mathematics 1
Physics 1
Structure of the material
Methodologyteaching unit TP Physics 1
TP Chemistry 1
Informatics 1

Discoveryteaching unit


Careers in science  and technology 1
Transversal teaching unit ForeignLanguage 1 (English)

Semester 2

Teaching unit Title of the Subject
Fundamentalteaching unit Mathematics 2
Physics 2
Methodologyteaching unit TP Physics 2
TP Chemistry 2
Informatics 2
Methodology of the presentation
Discovery teaching unit Careers in science  and technology 2
Transversal teaching unit ForeignLanguage2 (English)




Semester 3

Teaching unit Title of the Subject
Fundamentalteaching unit

Mathematics 3

Waves and vibrations

Fundamental Electronics 1

FundamentalElectrical Engineering 1
Methodologyteaching unit Probability and statistics
Informatics 3
TP Electronics and Electrical Engineering TP
TP Waves and vibrations
Discoveryteaching unit State of the art in electrical engineering
Energy and environment
Transversal teaching unit Technical English

Semester 4

Teaching unit Title of the Subject
Fundamentalteaching unit Linear and continuous servo systems
Combinatorial logic and sequential logic
Strength of materials
Methodologyteaching unit Electrical and and electronic measurements
TP Linear and continuous servo systems
TP NumericalMethods
TP Combinatorial and sequential logic
Discoveryteaching unit Energy conversion systems
Electrical and electronic measurement concepts

Transversal teaching unit


Architecture of AutomatedSystems
Expression, information and communication techniques

Semester 5

Teaching unit Title of the Subject


Fundamentalteaching unit

Control of linear systems

Power electronics

System Modelling and Identification

Programming in C++

Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

Methodologyteaching unit

TP Control of linear systems

TP Power Electronics

TP System Modelling and Identification

TP Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

TP Programming in C++

Discoveryteaching unit

Standards and Certification

Renewable energy

Transversal teaching unit

Production and storage

Semester 6

Teaching unit

Title of the Subject

Fundamentalteaching unit

Sampled Servo Systems


Sensors and measuring chain

Methodologyteaching unit

Programmable Logic Controllers

Communication buses and industrial networks

Discoveryteaching unit

End of Cycle Project

TP Sensors and Actuators

TP Programmable Logic Controllers PLCs

TP Communication Buses and Industrial

Transversal teaching unit

Automatic electrical installations

Maintenance and reliability





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