Curriculum Vitae Mokhtar hamitou

Prof. HAMITOU Mokhtar

Professor, department of Nature and Life Sciences, University of Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria.


Mobile: 06 66 60 06 79

Researcher identity

Google Scholar: link

ReaserchGate: link

ORCID: link


Ph.D.’s degree in Phytopathology

Magister’s degree in Phytopathology

DES’s  degree in Plant biology and physiology

License’s degree in Natural Sciences

Functions and Affiliations

Professor,  in department of Nature and Life Sciences

Teaching modules

–  Botanique

– Mycology-Algology-Virology

International publications

حميتو مختار، العربي لعروس، داود حرزالله، مصطفى غول ونبيل نانصيب.(1998). تأثير رشاحة فطر Penicillium expansium في الجنين وإنتاش بعض بذورالبقوليات. مجلة وقاية النبات العربية. 16(1): 12- 18.

– لعروس العربي، مختارحميتو وداود حرز الله.(1998). تأثير رشاحة Penicillium expansium على الجنين وإنتاش بذور العدس.  Recherche agronomique. INRAA, 2:55-65. .

Hamitou, M., and Dehimat, L. (2012).  Antagonism capability in vitro of Trichoderma               harzianum against some pathogenic fungi. Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 3(11): 452-460.

 Hamitou, M., and Dehimat, L. (2013). Study the impact of Trichoderma harzianum filtrate on vitality of some hard wheat seeds, and on their interior associated fungi. Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 4(1): 48-53.

  Hamitou, M., and Dehimat, L. (2013). Contribution in isolation and identification of some pathogenic fungi from wheat seeds, and evaluation of antagonistic capability of Trichoderma harzianum against those isolated fungi in vitro. Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 4(2): 145-154.

  Hamitou, M., and Dehimat, L. (2014). In vitro and in vivo efficiency of Trichoderma harzianum  against Rhizopus soft rot occurred on tomato fruits (Lycopersicon esculentum). Agric. Biol. J. NAm.,  5(6): 240-244.

  Hamitou, M., and Dehimat, L. (2015). In vitro and in vivo efficiency of Trichoderma  harzianum against  Phoma and Glocladium soft rot occurred on tomato fruits (Lycopersicon esculentum). Int.  J.Curr .Microbiol. App. Sci ., 4 (8): 141-147.

 Hamitou, M.,  Dehimat, L., and Senoussi, M. M. (2016). Isolation of tomato fruits mycoflora  and  evaluation in vitro and in vivo by Trichoderma harzianum . Int. J.Curr .Microbiol. App. Sci ., 5 (10): 708-717.

 Hamitou, M.,  Dehimat, L., and Senoussi, M. M.(2018). Trichoderma harzianum as a biocontrol  agent  against  Bipolaris sp. and Chrysosporium sp. on grape fruits. Romanian  Journal for Plant Protection,  XI: 10- 16.

Bassa N., Senoussi, M.  M., Hamitou, M.  and Dehimat, L.(2019). In vitro  effect of exogenous cytokinin and fungal toxin on germination seeds of Cicer arietinum L. J. Biochem. Tech. 10 (1): 47-50.

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