
Vice rectorate of post graduation

The Vice-Rector of Postgraduate Higher Education, University Accreditation and Scientific Research is responsible for:

  • Supervising issues related to the conduct of post-graduation, specific post-graduation and university accreditation and ensure respect of the regulations in this area.
  • Managing the research activities of the research units and laboratories and preparing the final report, in coordination with the faculties and institutes.
  • Leading any action in the development of research results
  • Monitoring the operation of the scientific council of the university and recording the archives,
  • Collecting and disseminating information on research activities carried out by Oum El Bouaghi University.

The vice-rectorate consists of the following services:

  • The post-graduation and post-graduation specific training service.
  • University accreditation service.
  • The service in charge of the follow-up of the activities of research and the valorization of its results