Curriculum Vitae HAMAMES Mokhtar

Prof. HAMAMES Mokhtar

Assistant professor class A, Department of Natural and Life Sciences, University of Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria.


Mobile: 0661408081

Researcher identity

Google Scholar: Mokhtar Hamames. University of Oum El Bouaghi

ReaserchGate: Mokhtar Hamames. Université Larbi Ben Mhidi. Department of Biology



 Master’s degree (2012) in biology, option: Microbiology of aquatic ecosystems, Abbas Laghrour University, Khenchela-Algeria.

License’s degree (2007): Higher education diploma (DES) in molecular and cellular biology, option: Biochemistry, Mentouri University – Constantine-Algeria.

Functions and Affiliations

October 2012 – September 2014 : Assistant professor class B; Department of Natural and Life Sciences, University August 20, 1955- Skikda-Algeria.

November 2014: Assistant professor class A, Department of Natural and Life Sciences, University of Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria.

July 2018 : Head of the “biological sciences” field, Department of Natural and Life Sciences, University of Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria.

Teaching modules

General microbiology (2nd year Common Trunk) 

Microbial genetics (Bachelor)

Molecular biology and genetic engineering (Bachelor)

Techniques and applications of microbial fermentation (Master)

Biochemistry (2nd year Common Trunk)

Interests and Qualifications

Interests: Sports (football, basketball, table tennis, cycling.), Reading (scientific articles, Islamic narratives, …)

Qualifications: Microsoft office (word, power point, excel, …)

Other: Scouting

pdf version: Short CV English hmames

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