Curriculum Vitae Allaoua Sofia Amel

Prof. Allaoua Sofia  Amel

Professor, Life Science department, University of Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria




Researcher identity

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Ph.D.’s degree in 12/06/2019

Master’s degree in June 2004

Doctor Veterinary’s degree in 1998

Functions and Affiliations

Life Science department

Teaching modules

Reproductive Pathophysiology, Animal Biology, Major  functions Physiology, Reproductive Physiology, Reproductive Pathology, Immunology, Animal husbandry techniques, parasitic zoonoses, zoology, helminthology

International publications

Allaoua, Sofia. Amel et al. (2021). (Class B).Establishment of blood chemistry reference intervals for Arbia goats, including values in phasesofreproduction. CompClinPathol 30, 493–502

Zerari, Aicha., Mahdi, Djahida., Allaoua, Sofia Amel., &Rouar, Salim.(2021). (Class B).Effect of gender on hematological parameters in growing Ouled Djellal sheep of semi arid zones of Northeastern Algeria. South Asian Journal of Experimental Biology, 11(4),407-417.DOI:

Allaoua, S. A., D. Mahdi (Class A) Plasma biochemical and minerals parameters in Arbia goats of a semi-arid region of North-Eastern Algeria during different stages of production. Vet. arhiv 88, 643-660, 2018.

sofia Amel Allaoua, Djahida Mahdi, (2018) (Class B).Minero-Biochemical Profiles of Arbia Goats Reared Traditionally Under the Semi-Arid Environment of North–Eastern Algeria During Peri-Parturient Period. World Journal of Environmental Biosciences. 7 (2). 95-101.

Allaoua S.A.,MAHDI D. Décembre 2016. Actes édité 

Variations de paramètres biochimiques et minéraux durant le pré-partum, le post-partum et la période sèche chez la chèvre de race locale (Arbia) des zones semi-arides de l’Est Algérie.  Actes édité : Actes des  23ème Rencontres Recherches Ruminants 2016, INRA, édition Institut de l’élevage,  p 23.  N° ISBN : 978-2-36343-779-2 9782363437792…et…/3r-23e-rencontres-recherches-ruminants-actes-du-colloque-2016.html

Asma Berkani, Djahida Mahdi, Sofia Amel Allaoua, Amel Benbott. Dec 2018 (Class B).Changes in Blood Biochemical and Mineral Parameters of Ouled Djellal Ewes under the Semi-Arid Environment of North–Eastern Algeria during Late Pregnancy and Early Post-Partum. World Journal of Environmental Biosciences.  2018, 7, 4:71-76.

Interests and Qualifications

Interests: Animal biology and physiology, histology and public health

PDF version: Short cv allaoua sofia amel
Scopus: allaoua sofia amel

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